[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: CAC question regarding the Blue Line Amendment

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Aug 2 14:08:48 MDT 2016

Sender: Carr, Thomas

At Monday's Council Agenda Committee meeting, council member Young asked whether the Blue Line Amendment allowing water for Nuzum's Nursery restricted use of the water to that necessary for a nursey.  Council member Young noted that the property is no longer used as a nursery.   The Blue Line was amended at the November 1981 election to allow for water service to Nuzum's Nursery.  There is no language in the ordinance or ballot title restricting the use of the water.  The relevant paragraphs of the ordinance were as follows:

"Section 1.  The council finds that the properties that are proposed to be added to the territory with the "blue line" are at an elevation of approximately 5500 feet, which is lower in elevation than most of the properties excluded by the blue line.

Section 2.  The Council also finds that three of the four buildings on the subject properties were built before the blue line was adopted and are currently served by city water.  And the Council further finds that the fourth building on the subject properties was built as a development by one of the original owners of one of the subject properties and since it is the easternmost building of the four, it should be included with the blue line fi the line is extended to encompass the properties containing the other three buildings.

Section 3.  Finally, the Council finds that the exclusion of the subject properties from the legal description of the territory within the blue line appears to have resulted from a mapping error."

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