[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Information for Agenda item 8B, Portland/Eugene trip

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Apr 5 11:05:43 MDT 2016

Sender: Appelbaum, Matt

Colleagues -- Sorry for the late delivery of this email, but it might be helpful to offer some initial discussion ideas for the Portland/Eugene trip item under Matters at our Tuesday council meeting.  These ideas stem from the previous council conversation, ideas suggested by others, and a sense that we might be missing some representation in the groups the city is sponsoring.

First, we think it would be appropriate to ask the EAB (Environmental Advisory Board) to nominate a member to join us.  It seems clear that several of our conversations in both cities will overlap issues that are within EAB's purview.

Second, we suggest that council consider sponsoring another one or two people from groups that have clear interests in the key topic areas of housing/neighborhoods, transportation, and homelessness, and who might offer perspectives that are perhaps not currently represented as well as they should be.  This could specifically include neighborhoods, particularly those that have been, or likely will be, affected by any policy changes in the key topic areas, including Newlands, Martin Acres, North Boulder, Whittier, and no doubt others.

Third, given the very short timeline, if council were to support sponsoring additional people, we suggest that a simple selection mechanism be set up that could include: residency in an affected neighborhood; not a past or current member of a board/commission; submittal of a short (~200 - 300 words or so) statement indicating what the person would hope to learn on the trip specifically relating to the key topic areas and how they would relate their knowledge back to their (and other) neighborhood(s); and submit this statement within a week for the trip subcommittee to quickly make a selection(s) from.  Note that this submittal could be from an individual or from a neighborhood group recommending an individual.  We would hope that along with the usual publicity, the city's neighborhood liaison would assist in getting the word out.

Finally, council should be aware that the HRC (Human Relations Commission) selected one member to attend the trip (Jose Beteta), but recommended that council support sending a second Commission member (Nikhil Mankekar).  Since council agreed to support a single member from several boards this is an issue that council can consider if it so wishes.


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