[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Consideration of Co-ops

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Sep 8 21:32:07 MDT 2015

Sender: Jones, Suzanne

Dear Colleagues—

Attached please find the Boulder Housing Coalition’s memo to us from a year or two ago outlining their proposed changes to make our existing co-op ordinance workable.  I proposed that we consider at least tackling improvements to the ordinance to make equity co-ops more possible, in concert with our discussion of improving enforcement of existing occupancy limits. 

Since a major rationale for enhancing enforcement against illegal occupancy situations was so that we could then make legal relaxing occupancy limits in certain specific situations, such as co-ops, it makes sense to me that we consider these actions simultaneously —i.e., so we are concurrently cracking down on what we don’t want, while enabling what we do want.

Rental co-ops are a much bigger issue, so probably best left until the future when we have the bandwidth to look at with a more in-depth public process. Also, we can still consider limiting the number of equity co-ops that would be allowed in a given year, if that is a concern—although the threshold for equity co-ops is so high I am not sure that is necessary.

Thanks for considering this request—
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