[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Mobile Home Ordinance - Item 5A of tonight's agenda

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Jun 16 16:02:33 MDT 2015

Sender: Cowles, Macon

Dear CAO:

Council received an email from Brad Olsen’s office (the law office representing Harvey Miller) this morning at 10:53 AM. The email is from Martha Hale.

I would like the City Attorney to comment tonight on the following:

What would be the effect, in the proposed ordinance, of adopting 10-12-25 (d) as proposed in the Brad Olsen letter rather than as drafted by the CAO? I am persuaded of the importance of park owners being able to screen applicants
to exclude people with criminal histories that would be a safety concern for the park and its tenants. This protects all people at the park.

Enforcement of Park Rules.  Is there language in the proposed ordinance that impairs the ability of the park owner to require compliance with the park's rules and regulations? Mr. Olsen called out that concern, but I don’t see anything in the proposed ordinance that would do that.

Macon Cowles
Boulder City Council Member
1726 Mapleton Ave.
Boulder, Colorado 80304
CowlesM at bouldercolorado.gov
(303) 638-6884

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