[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: City Council Compensation Ballot Measure--First Reading Input

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Jun 16 09:00:18 MDT 2015

Sender: Plass, Tim

Upon reading the proposal regarding council compensation in Item 3M of our June 16 City Council Meeting consent agenda, it occurred to me that one other thing we may want to consider is allowing council members who subscribe to the city’s health insurance program to contribute at a rate that is in keeping with what other city employees pay. Currently, council members pay the entire premium with no contribution from the city. I believe this practice was put in place to make sure that we are following the Charter requirements with regard to compensating council members. This might be a good time to reconsider and add additional language to put before the voters should this move forward. (Full disclosure: I am currently enrolled in the city’s health insurance program.)

I look forward to a discussion on this suggestion as we consider whether to advance this proposed ballot measure.

Tim Plass
Boulder City Council Member

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