[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Public's questions on Right-sizing

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri Jun 12 10:22:52 MDT 2015

Sender: Young, Mary


In reading through the copious emails that Council has received and through conversations with residents regarding the proposed right-sizing projects, I have kept a list of the substantive questions that have been posed. They are below.

It would be very helpful to include responses during the staff presentation on Monday. Or, a response to the hotline would also be acceptable.

Thank you.

- What consideration has been given to the accommodation of emergency vehicles?

- How would road re-configuration affect an emergency evacuation?

- What kind of heavy truck traffic do these roads see? Do they require special consideration?

- On 63rd there is a multi-use path on the west side, how does an on-street lane fit in with the pilot?

- What metrics will be monitored to determine success/failure of the project?

- Are there check-in points in the project with metric thresholds that call for undoing the experiment in case things don't go as expected?

- Is a budget included in the project for undoing the experiments?

- These roads were deemed ideal for the pilot because they carry 15-20k cars/day. How does this translate to cars per hour? How would the equivalent rates during rush hours compare to status quo travel times?

- Do other cities that have adopted this approach have regular snow in winter? What have they done to accommodate bicycles in winter?

- Would snow removal increase to clear bike lanes and pedestrian sidewalks through the duration of the pilots?

- Will potholes and other irregularities (like the RR tracks on 55th) that currently cause flow impingement be remedied prior to the pilots?

- In choosing the pilot streets, what consideration was given to bike route/path linkages at the endpoints of the proposed routes?

- What changes have occurred in traffic flow analysis between now and when Iris first went from 2 to 4 lanes?

- Has staff considered increasing frequency on the 208 for some portion of the pilot period?

- What is the advantage of getting people on bikes on these roads when we have separated bike paths?

- What improvements do these pilots provide for pedestrians?

- If 28th Street were closed for some emergency, would Folsom function adequately as an alternate route?

- How is bus/bike interaction addressed at bus stops?

- If there is a reduction in the volume of traffic, would we have the metrics to indicate where that volume went?

- Throughout the experiment, will traffic counts be monitored on side streets? Are there baselines?

- Table Mesa went from 4 lanes to 2 lanes plus a center turn lane and bike lanes as did Broadway near Norwood? Do we have before/after data on these previous right sizing projects?


 Dolores Young
Boulder City Council Member

"All ethics . . . rest upon a single premise: that the individual is a member of a community of interdependent parts . . ." - Aldo Leopold

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