[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: RE: Questions re No Smoking Ordinance No. 8015--Item 5B

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Feb 3 16:05:35 MST 2015

Sender: Llanes, Sandra

Please see responses to HOTLINE questions below:
1. P. 123, lines 3-6, definition of Boulder High School Area.
Why not extend the boundaries two blocks to the north and east, as otherwise, doesn’t it just invite people to cross the street from the high school to have a smoke?
The design of the no-smoking area around Boulder High School was intended to support a healthy campus and address some incidents with individuals congregating at the Horseshoe and in Aids Park.  Staff was careful to avoid including residential areas in the no-smoking area, because this was not something that council directed staff to explore.  Accordingly, the no-smoking area around Boulder High School does not include the residential area on Hillside Road.  Extending the boundaries north and east would include some residential properties.  
2.  P. 123. lines 18-19, “Downtown Boulder Business Improvement District” is as depicted in Appendix 8-B of Chapter 8-6.”
Why don’t we just insert the map into the ordinance, so it makes it easy for people to reference?
The map is already included in the code as referenced in chapter 8-6.  It is our practice not to duplicate information when it is already contained in the code because it avoids updates to more than one section and prevents potential inconsistencies.

3. Our ordinance now prohibits smoking within 15 feet of certain doorways.
What change would it take to Ordinance 8015 to make it illegal to smoke within 25 feet of any doorway.

The change itself would be relatively minor. Staff will have potential amendments available for council on the dais tonight, if council wishes to make this change.  Council should be aware that extending the entrance exclusion
 to 25 feet would effectively prohibit all smoking in many commercial districts.  This was not something that was considered in the extensive public process in which staff engaged prior to bringing the ordinance forward.  Staff does not recommend this change.

Sandra M. Llanes
Senior Assistant City Attorney
City of Boulder
P.O. Box 791
Boulder, CO 80306-0791
303-441-3859 fax
From: Cowles, Macon

Sent: Monday, February 02, 2015 10:08 PM
Subject: Questions re No Smoking Ordinance No. 8015--Item 5B

I have the following questions relating to this ordinance;
1.  P. 123, lines 3-6, definition of Boulder High School Area. Why not extend the boundaries two blocks to the north and east, as otherwise, doesn’t it just invite people to cross the street from the high school to have a smoke?

2. P. 123. lines 18-19, “Downtown Boulder Business Improvement District” is as depicted in Appendix 8-B of Chapter 8-6.”
Why don’t we just insert the map into the ordinance, so it makes it easy for people to reference?

3. Our ordinance now prohibits smoking within 15 feet of certain doorways. 
What change would it take to Ordinance 8015 to make it illegal to smoke within 25 feet of any doorway.
Macon Cowles
Boulder City Council Member
1726 Mapleton Ave.
Boulder, Colorado 80304
CowlesM at bouldercolorado.gov
(303) 447-3062
(303) 638-6884

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