[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Updated motion language for Sep 16
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Sep 16 07:57:05 MDT 2014
Sender: Weaver, Sam
Council and hotline followers,
After reviewing many comments received over the last few days regarding growth in Boulder, and examining my previous motion language for the elements that I thought were most important to planning for new development, I would like to amend
the motion that I will likely put forth tomorrow. The structural issues driving this discussion are very substantial, and arouse high passions around issues of home and employment. I hope that my amended motion will form the starting point for Council formulation
of a rapid, actionable, and on-going series of steps to move our community toward the future it desires, without causing unnecessary division. Many thanks to all who have called and emailed, as your substantial feedback has been helpful.
I move that:
(a) the City Manager be directed to undertake a robust public process to create a Comprehensive Development Strategy using surveys, public meetings, consultation with neighborhood organizations, community organizations, and other stakeholder
groups, and other appropriate means to test alternative growth outcomes and scenarios, and thereby determine the rate of future residential, commercial, and industrial development, and other factors, quantities, and qualities related to such development, to
be identified during the process, that Council determines a majority - or at least the largest plurality - of the citizens of the City believe to be in the Citys best interests over the next 20 years;
(b) this comprehensive public process be initiated, designed, developed, managed, and reviewed on an on-going basis by a committee of Council members selected by the Council, Planning and other Board and Commission members and citizens
as designated by the Council, and city staff members as designated by the city manager and city attorney, the Members of Council to be a majority of the committee, and the design be approved by the Council before the process is initiated;
(c) the City Manager work with the Community Planning and Sustainability Department to make any legislative, process, or code adjustments that are determined to be needed in the process described in (a);
(d) the legislative, process, or code adjustments referenced in (c) above include without limitation early and on-going consideration of and action on (i) representations of features to be included in a project site or use plan review be
more binding than they are currently, (ii) a neighborhood liaison position be instituted, (iii) a Housing Advisory Board be created and seated, (iv) Planning Board responsibilities be expanded to include generation of legislative proposals, (v) density bonus
policies be reviewed, (vi) significant community benefit be received by the citizens of the City for height and intensity variances, (vii) adequate public facilities impact fees to be receive by the City to offset development impacts, (viii) calculation of
development metrics such as open space area be reviewed to insure they are not incentivizing larger units over smaller units; (ix) and all other such issues as the committee and Council deem appropriate;
(e) the quantities and qualities described in (a) should include consideration during the process of (i) residential population and rate of change, (ii) employment base and rate of change, (iii) annual greenhouse gas emissions and rate
of change, (iv) levels of service for all public services and rate of change, (v) neighborhood walkability and transit access indices and rates of change, (vi) delivered building quality and accessibility at human scale, (vii) and all other such issues as
the committee and Council deem appropriate;
(f) the outcomes of this process, reflecting the desires of the greatest portion of the community regarding growth outcomes, be reflected in the upcoming five-year update of the Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan, perhaps as a separate section;
(g) the outcomes of this process include a tracking system for the quantitative measures, and for assessments of the qualitative measures, on an annual basis to be compared to the desired outcomes reflected in (f) for informational purposes
of the City,
(h) the outcomes of this process be used as the basis of an ordinance or ordinances regulating development in the City; and
(i) the City Manager be directed to suspend activity on any long-term planning processes that the City Manager determines could be substantially negatively impacted by the Comprehensive Development Strategy effort, until the time such process
is completed.
All the best,
Sam Weaver
Member of Boulder City Council
weavers at bouldercolorado.gov
Phone: 303-416-6130
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