[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Budget question

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Oct 21 08:20:50 MDT 2014

Sender: Appelbaum, Matt

While reading (every word of
) the budget ordinance for Tuesday’s meeting, I ran across a couple of items that puzzled me a bit – although they’ve no doubt been explained in the past. 
 These are not in any way problems that need to be dealt with tomorrow, just issues I’d appreciate understanding a bit better.
P. 283, Water PIF.  The PIF for indoor use for detached residential is $11,926.  For attached residential, it doesn’t reach that level until there are 5 bedrooms in the unit.  Do we believe
 that it takes a 5-bedroom attached unit to, on average, use as much indoor water as a detached house of any size?
P. 286, Wastewater PIF: Same question as above, since the issue is identical.
P. 290 – 292, Capital Facility Impact Fee.  Here it would seem as if attached units pay more than detached ones for some reason.  An attached unit of the (seemingly) maximum size of 1501
 – 1600 sq. ft. pays $5465.  A detached unit of the same size pays $3978.  Also, the attached unit size chart ends at 1600 sq. ft. – presumably because larger units don’t require additional capital facilities – but the detached units top out at 3700 sq. ft. 
 Hard to quite understand why we apparently believe that attached and detached units will have such different occupancy and thus facility impacts.
Thanks --Matt

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