[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: HOTLINE RESPONSE: 2200 Broadway Ord. 1st Reading Memo
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue May 13 08:27:15 MDT 2014
Sender: McLaughlin, Elaine
Dear Mayor and Council Members,
In response to the question posed at the Council Agenda Committee on May 12, 2014 regarding the memo for 2200 Broadway- Trinity Commons - 1st Reading of an ordinance to modify
intensity standards (a May 20th agenda item), staff offers the following responses:
Timing with Site Review: CAC had questions regarding the process sequence related to the proposed ordinance
and the Site Review. The applications for Site and Use Review were both approved by the Planning Board concurrently and are conditioned upon the approval of the ordinance. The IP for the Notice of Disposition will be available for consideration at the same
City Council meeting on May 20th. If the ordinance is not approved, the Site and Use Review applications will be rendered invalid. For reference, the conditions of approval for both applications are attached. The Site and Use Review applications would normally
be administrative level dispositions with a call-up to Planning Board only. However, because of a requirement from the previously adopted ordinance, the applications were referred to the Planning Board which in turn, allows City Council the opportunity to
call-up the decision. Staff recognizes that this is a unique situation and we are happy to answer any additional questions related to the review process.
Phasing (what occurs if later phases are not constructed?): The proposed project is planned in three phases
with a maximum of 24 units of permanently affordable residential units. The initial phase approved in the Site Review is for 16 residential units of senior housing along with a church and community meeting space (Fellowship Hall); the second phase is for
offices to serve the church and other non-profit organizations; and the third phase is to construct eight additional permanently affordable residential units. The third phase is dependent upon fundraising by the church. If phase III is not constructed, the
partially sub-grade parking area will remain in the rear of the property along the alley.
In 2007, the original ordinance provided for 13 permanently affordable units. The main community benefit considered, then and now, remains the provision of permanently affordable
housing. In this case, Phase I provides for 16 permanently affordable units. While supplemental phases would increase the amount of permanently affordable units on site to 24, staff finds that the 16 permanently affordable units included in Phase I still provide
a significant community benefit, even if later phases are not constructed.
As noted in the memo for the first reading, the ordinance is only applicable to the current owner of the property (Trinity Lutheran Church). The ordinance stipulates
that the additional floor area may only be used for the types of spaces approved in the Site Review application: accessory to the religious assembly use and/or for uses that support non-profit organizations or other community uses. The ordinance further requires
that the owner execute deed restricting covenants and other agreements to ensure that all dwelling units being constructed remain permanently affordable and meet or exceed the standards of Chapter 9-13, Inclusionary Housing.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions at 303-441-4130.
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