[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: RE: Minutes

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Mar 18 15:42:02 MDT 2014

Sender: Lewis, Alisa

Subject: Minutes

On page 10 of tonight's agenda packet, in the proposed minutes for the Feb. 18 meeting, the sentence characterizing my statement as, "He noted that the code of conduct should be sufficiently vague due to . . ." should be changed to "He noted that clarity is challenging in this context, however, as it is impossible to conceive of and cover every possible issue that might arise."

On page 19 of the packet, in the proposed minutes for the Mar. 5 meeting, where there is a sentence characterizing my statement as to discretion, it should read as follows: "Council Member Shoemaker expressed concern that it may be more appropriate to allow the judge to have discretion, rather than giving the judge no discretion and therefore effectively placing sole discretion in the hands of the officers (who have the discretion whether to issue the citation in the first place)."

Thank you,

Andrew R. Shoemaker
Shoemaker Ghiselli + Schwartz LLC
1811 Pearl Street
Boulder, Colorado   80302
(303) 530-3452 (office)
(303) 530-4071 (fax)
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