[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Professional Standards Review Panel

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Jun 5 12:35:56 MDT 2014

Sender: Testa, Greg

Dear Council Members,
At the June 3, 2014, City Council meeting there were several questions regarding the Boulder Police Department Professional Standards Review Panel, its role, and how panel members are
The Professional Standards Review Panel reviews Class 1 (most serious) investigative complaints against employees and makes recommendations to the Chief of Police.  The panel consists
 of 12 members: six department members and six volunteer community members. When panel openings occur, announcements are made through press releases and an announcement is posted on the Police Department’s website page.

Here are three recent press releases seeking community applications:
 21, 2013 - Boulder Police Department Seeking Community Members for Professional Standards Review Panel
 2, 2014 - Boulder Police Department Seeking Community Members for Professional Standards Review Panel
 21, 2014 - Boulder Police Department Seeking Community Members for Professional Standards Review Panel
The department also has participated in interviews on Channel 8 to discuss the role of the panel and the selection process:
Interested community members complete an application and an interview process.  The City Manager or her representative selects the panel members from the list of qualified applicants.
 Community members must be willing to serve a minimum of two years, agree to a background check, and sign a non-disclosure agreement.
Department panel members are selected by the Chief of Police with input from the Boulder Police Officers Association (BPOA) and Boulder Municipal Employees Association (BMEA).  Department
 representation on the panel consists of three commissioned officers, one commissioned sergeant and two BMEA employees.
If you would like additional information about the Boulder Police Department Professional Standards Review Panel, please contact me.
Greg Testa
Interim Police Chief
Boulder Police Department

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