[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Agenda Item 6A - Options for securing trash

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Jan 21 09:38:54 MST 2014

Sender: Young, Mary

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Questions regarding securing trash from bears:

1. Bears, alleys, people and trash have been around for a long time. I would like to understand what changed in the last year to cause such an increase in bear deaths.

2. The staff memo says that "Communal trash enclosures are the most effective trash securing strategies implemented by other Colorado communities . . . , but may not be feasible for existing Boulder neighborhoods due to space limitations." Was this conclusion
 drawn through an analysis of space availability in all affected neighborhoods? If not, how was this conclusion arrived at?

3. In Attachment F, Individual Enclosures are said to fall below communal enclosures but more effective than bear resistant containers and refers to building restrictions as the limiting factor. How was this conclusion arrived at? Are the building restrictions
 code related or space related?

4. A few residents have expressed interest in retrofits and have included links to potential options in their emails to the city. We also had a presentation from the "Scrap Sisters" during a council meeting. The memo addresses the feasibility of these options
 in one of the attachments. I would like to ask staff to address this directly in their presentation for the benefit of residents who might be considering such an option. I will also post to the hotline Val Matheson's thoughtful and researched email to me regarding
 the issue of retrofits.

5. The memo recommends two additional staff for enforcement. How would these positions be paid for? I apologize if this was included in the memo and I missed it.

6. Do we have any information as to what part of town survey respondents reside in?

7. Does Western re-use the non bear proof trash containers that are replaced by bear resistant containers?

Thank you in advance for your response to these questions.


Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council
youngm at bouldercolorado.gov

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