[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Update from CML's Policy Committee Meeting

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri Feb 21 15:43:51 MST 2014

Sender: Jones, Suzanne

Dear Colleagues--

Pasted below are the official notes from the February 14th meeting of the Colorado Municipal League's Policy Committee, attended on behalf of Boulder by me and Mayor Matt, where we took positions on specific new bills introduced in the legislature.  

Also attached is a status update on other bills of note that CML had previously taken positions on--including bills related to marijuana, liquor establishment hours of operation, and oil & gas drilling, etc.

Although there was nothing of great controversy among the new bills we took positions on, of particular note to Boulder's legislative agenda are:

CML support for an expanded historic rehabilitation tax creditCML support for Water Infrastructure Natural Disaster Grant (which could possibly be a source of funds to help out-of-city folks needing city sewer and water to annex)CML support for paint stewardship bill (which is a producer responsibility/recycling bill mentioned in our legislative agenda)

Suzanne Jones


1144 Sherman Street, Denver, CO 80203 · (p) 303-831-6411 / 866-578-0936
· (f) 303-860-8175


To:            CML Policy Committee members and alternates
From:       Chair Doug Tisdale, Mayor of Cherry Hills Village
Kevin Bommer, Deputy Director
Date:        February 17, 2014

Subject:   Summary of the February 14 Policy Committee meeting

Committee members:
At the CML Policy Committee meeting on February 14, the committee made the following recommendations to the CML Board:

Oppose unless amended: SB 14-145 that will bar municipalities and counties from requiring “minimum percentages of irrigated vegetation” when adopting subdivisions and declares the prohibition a matter of statewide concern. Municipalities,
 counties, and special districts would be further required to “consider” whether or not tap fees should be reduced should a developer commit to implementing water conservation and efficiency measures in subdivision regulations. The League can work with amending
 a section directing the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) to give priority for efficient program grants to public agencies that require new subdivisions to implement water efficiency and conservation measures related to irrigated landscapes, including
 open space and residential lawns. Lobbyist: Kevin Bommer  


Oppose unless amended: HB 13-1193 that requires a records policy stating the amount charged for research and retrieval of records in response to Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) requests. The fee would have to be "nominal" and
 could not exceed three times the state minimum wage. The bill is in response to widely varying research and retrieval fees.
Lobbyist: Geoff Wilson

Staff discretion to support: HB 14-1279 creates a state income tax credit for business personal property tax paid by businesses with less than $25,000 in assessed BPPT.
Lobbyist: Mark Radtke

Support: Anticipated legislation to increase the credit amounts for commercial projects to 30 percent for expenditures under $500,000; 25 percent for expenditures between $500,000 and $1 million. For projects that exceed $1 million,
 they will qualify for a 20 percent credit up to $2 million. The credits may be carried over into subsequent years and be transferrable to other parties. The project would have to meet qualifications set by the State Historic Preservation Office.
Lobbyists: Meghan Storrie, Mark Radtke

Support: HB 14-1002 that creates the Water Infrastructure Natural Disaster Grant, making $12 million available from the state general fund for need-based grants to repair or replace water and wastewater infrastructure damaged
 or destroyed in the floods of September 2013. The grant program will be administered by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment's Water Quality Control Division so that municipal, district, and private nonprofit systems may all be eligible.
 Any amount in the fund not encumbered by September 2015 would be transferred to the Nutrients Grant Fund.
Lobbyist: Kevin Bommer

Support: HB 14-1103 that updates the Legal Investments of Public Funds statute regarding ratings requirements for municipal bond investments to create one rating requirement for general obligation, revenue and certificate of
 participation securities. All three instruments currently have different requirements - with the most secure, GO bonds, having the most stringent requirements. The proposal requires at least two credit ratings from a nationally recognized statistical rating
 organization at or above an A rating. Lobbyist: Mark Radtke

Support: HB 14-1143 that would change assessment of owner-occupied residential storage condominiums to the residential rate. This is a new type of structure that is a detached building with several garage units that individuals
 would own in a condo-type setting. Only personal vehicles and personal items could be stored in these garages. This would not affect the commercial assessment of traditional storage rental units.
Lobbyist: Mark Radtke 

No position: HB 14-1160 that would exempt municipal sludge waste trucks from load restrictions. State weight limits prohibit municipal vacuum trucks from operating at their maximum manufactured vehicle weight. Committee discussion
 led to a change the staff recommendation of support to monitor, largely centered on concerns about municipal streets and whether or not the blanket exemption should only apply in emergencies.
Lobbyist: Mark Radtke

Oppose unless amended: HB 1203, which is a Joint Budget Committee bill that authorizes both state general fund and highway users’ tax fund dollars to pay for maintenance and improvements to the statewide digital trunked radio
 system. This bill would expand the amount of “off-the-top” diversion. Lobbyists: Mark Radtke, Meghan Storrie

Staff discretion to support: HB 14-1219 that clarifies that the maintenance obligation for any bridge over a water structure crossing a roadway does not include construction of a new structure or complete reconstruction or replacement
 of an existing structure and that any such costs must be paid by the person or corporation that owns the affected structure. This bill is likely to be killed by the sponsor due to irreconcilable conflicts with facts of the situation.
Lobbyist: Kevin Bommer

Support: SB 14-022 that allows municipalities to invest public funds in Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI). These revolving loan funds are usually maintained by local or regional commercial banks and are certified
 by the U.S. Department of the Treasury. They serve low to moderate income populations lacking market access to banks or credit unions and provide technical assistance to clients. Loans are made by CDFIs generally for small business start-ups or for affordable
 housing projects. The CDFI Assessment Rating System conducts independent assessment of the financial health, management strength and community impact performance of the CDFI. 
Lobbyist: Mark Radtke

Support: SB 14-029 that creates the Architectural Paint Stewardship Program. The bill requires development of a plan for a paint stewardship program that provides for collection of unused paint statewide, through a system of
 retailer and independent collection sites. Requires the report on the design of such program be submitted to the Colorado Department of Health and Environment by January, 1, 2015.
Lobbyist: Geoff Wilson

Support: SB 14-042 that further expands of incentives municipalities and other property tax entities can grant regarding business personal property tax (BPPT). This bill removes the current ten year limit on BPPT rebates that
 may be offered to businesses by a local government. The incentives may be granted to new businesses, expanding businesses or businesses considering moving their operations to another state.
Lobbyist: Mark Radtke

Oppose: SB 14-043 that would assess as agricultural land, not commercial property, any above ground growing operations of a greenhouse or nursery business that produces stock for wholesale distribution. The retail portions of
 any greenhouse or nursery operation would continue to be assessed as commercial property. Another factor emerging in this bill is a debate over whether to include marijuana grow operations to be assessed at agricultural rates. There are several unknowns yet
 to be resolved. Lobbyist: Mark Radtke
The committee also received briefings on issues CML staff is following. The materials from the Policy Committee are attached, which include the agenda, information items, and the supplemental agenda.
A tentative meeting of the committee is scheduled for May 9 for consideration of any recommended changes to the CML Policy Statement for 2014-2015.  Information on the possible May meeting will be sent out in
For questions or comments, please contact CML Deputy Director Kevin Bommer at
kbommer at cml.org. 
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