[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: FW: questions regarding homeless shelter from Lisa Morzel

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri Aug 1 14:56:15 MDT 2014

Sender: Lewis, Alisa

Questions in anticipation of the August 27th, 2014 discussion on homelessness

I have some policy questions regarding the homeless shelter to which I would like a response before or at the study session:

1.	While the homeless shelter is open for emergency housing, how many beds are available?  What is the bed capacity of the shelter? I ask because my understanding is that the shelter provides about 160 beds/night yet my recollection is that the total capacity is in the mid-200’s.  Is that correct?

2.	If the physical capacity of the shelter has more than 160 beds, why are we not using these beds?  What is being done with the space that was intended for beds but is not being used for beds?

3.	How often during the times of the year when the shelter is open is the shelter at capacity?

4.	What is the actual number of individuals the shelter serves on an annual 
basis?  What is the average stay for an individual?

5.	What are the times of day the shelter is open and closed?  What times can people seeking shelter access the facility?  What instruction, if any, occurs when an individual is turned away due to the shelter being at capacity or other reasons?

6.	Is there any type of initial screening done for those seeking shelter at the facility?  For example, are any professionals on site that are screening for mental health issues, substance abuse, etc. for those entering the shelter?  If so, what kind of help or services are individuals being provided?

7.	What kind of help is present at the shelter to ensure safety for those who come to seek shelter?  Are there cameras or monitors to ensure a safe environment?  How are fights and assaults handled?  How many fights and assaults occur at the shelter on an annual basis?

8.	Who is allowed to stay at the shelter?  Is it a first come, first serve process or is there more to it?

9.	Are individuals staying at the shelter for multiple nights allowed to leave any of their belongings in a secured location at the shelter?   If not, could that occur?

10.	Where are women needing emergency shelter housed?  Are they in a secure location separate from men and the transitional housing?

11.	What is the typical turnover at the shelter for those seeking emergency shelter?  I understand individuals are allotted a limit of stay of 90 days.  Is that correct?   Are records kept?  How does the process work? Is there any tracking for those individuals in terms of their improvement?  What is the policy or philosophy of limiting a stay to 90 days?  Is 90 days enough for someone dealing with mental health or substance abuse or other issues?

12.	What happens when a family with children come to the shelter?  Are they directed elsewhere?  

13.	Does the shelter allow dogs?  What happens to the dogs of individuals who come to seek shelter for the night?

14.	I would like more explanation regarding those at the shelter who are considered “transitional”.  What criteria or conditions do those individuals need to meet in order to go from being housed in emergency shelter to being designated “transitional housing services” at the shelter?  Where are the “transitional” housed in the shelter?  Are they separated from the emergency overnight individuals?  How long are the transitional individuals allowed to stay housed at the shelter?  How is the shelter staff working with these individuals to help them achieve more stable lives?  Is there a time limit to the length of time an individual considered transitional can stay?  Where do these individuals go once they have exceeded their time at the shelter?  What kind, if any, assistance is given in helping these individuals move on to more stable positions in their lives?

15.	When did the shelter host its last “good neighbor” meeting? How often are these meetings scheduled?  What neighborhoods are included?  How are individuals from the neighborhoods selected or can individuals apply?  Are the “good neighbor” meetings open to the general public?  How are “good neighbor” meetings announced?
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