[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Questions for SS this week

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Apr 7 09:13:32 MDT 2014

Sender: Weaver, Sam

I have a few minor questions before this week's study session.
1) Page 4 of the revised memo shows a District 3H in the two tables, but the maps in attachment B do not show a District 3H, but rather a District 3C and 3M.  Could staff please clarify what is meant by District 3H in the two tables?
2) There is no explanation for enforcement of liquor laws in the memo.  Is that going to be included in this overview and discussion?  I would be interested in learning more about that subject as well, since we have received letters on the subject as well
 as the article in the Boulder Weekly.
3) Could staff please come prepared to discuss in further detail the issue of non-conforming uses and how that impacts the application of occupancy limits (packet page 7)?

Sam Weaver
Member of Boulder City Council
weavers at bouldercolorado.gov
Phone: 303-416-6130

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