[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Appreciation to staff re this Fall's work

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Oct 31 09:02:35 MDT 2013

Sender: Cowles, Macon

Last night we thanked staff for the hard work, long hours and empathic concern that they have shown for the community in dealing with the loss and disruption people have faced on account of the rain and flooding of September.

Adding to that, I want to thank Mishawn Cook, Kathy Haddock, Tom Carr, and Jane Brautigam for their work on the RMJ regulations. It is difficult to get these regulations right for our community, and to appropriately regulate a new industry that is coming
 on line. While there has been some conflict surrounding the text of the regulations, many people in the community and in the regulated industry have expressed their gratitude for the attitude of staff and for the hard work that staff members on the front line
 have put into this. Mishawn and Kathy, you two have been particularly commended by the people who have contacted me. They have found you and the offices you represent to be receptive to their concerns as well as to criticism and suggestions regarding the policies,
 provisions and text surrounding regulation.

Remember that we had originally scheduled work on this in September--and the planned scheduled was washed out by the need to respond to more urgent needs from the flood. On top of that, we have had the drumbeat of Xcel and its money, and the assertions
 of the PUC, surrounding muniZ, to complicate the negotiations with Xcel for our energy future as well as implementing the condemnation ordinance. And adding to the work of all four people I named above, there has been the promulgation and consideration of
 alcohol regs on the Hill!! Then of course there is the budget that has occupied a lot of time and work over the last month, and the running of the departments where the rest of our 1,3000 employees work. I mean: what a crazy time!

So there has been a huge amount of work and concern by everyone involved during this time of crisis. And yet the staff has performed admirably in devoting quality time to the issues at hand.

I therefore want to thank all of you: Mishawn, Kathy, Tom and Jane for the time, attention and direction you have given to the RMJ regulations. Your community is deeply grateful to you for this.

Macon Cowles
Boulder City Council Member

1726 Mapleton Ave.

Boulder, Colorado 80304
CowlesM at bouldercolorado.gov
Cell (303) 638-6884

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