[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Changes to consider to proposed 2014 Budget

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Oct 14 09:22:37 MDT 2013

Sender: Ageton, Suzy

At the October 1st Council meeting, the Council held first readings on several motions to adopt the proposed 2014 Budget and related appropriation ordinances.  Several Council members, including myself, raised objections to the proposed reductions to the Human Services Budget.  I would like to propose the following adjustments to that budget for 2014:

1) the first proposed reduction was $100,00 which is money the City has contributed to the Substance Abuse Prevention Program.  The rationale for this reduction was that this change in the City's share would be a more equitable distribution and that Boulder County had agreed to pick up this amount. 

It is my understanding that the County funding for this program comes from the Temporary Safety Net (TSN) Initiative, a .09 mill levy on property passed in 2010 and due to expire the end of 2015. The County agreed to pick up this additional funding for the short-term but does not have guaranteed funding for this program beyond 2015.  There is general agreement that the program is highly successful and was being considered for increased funding.

I would like to propose that the Council accept this reduction but not list it as a permanent one.  While we cannot bind future councils, we can and have in the past, encouraged future councils to take particular actions.  I would propose that we include a statement in the appropriate motion or ordinance indicating that it is not our intention to permanently reduce City funding for the Substance Abuse Prevention Program without a more robust discussion with the County, and especially when we understand that the $100,000 that the County is picking up may not be available after 2015.  Thus, we urge a future Council to revisit this funding with the County at an appropriate time.

2)  the second proposed permanent reduction is $75,000 from the Human Services Fund (HSF). This Fund distributes approximately $2 million annually to a variety of community agencies providing basic safety net services, programs to improve self-sufficiency, and to address economic and social diversity.  Such important organizations as the Family Learning Center, the Emergency Family Assistance Association, the Boulder Homeless Shelter, Clinica (People's Clinic), Dental Aid, Boulder Day Nursery, Mental Health Partners  and many more receive a key part of their budgets from this fund.

At a time when we are still in a fragile recovery from a deep recession and with the impact of the recent flood still upon us, I do not want to cut money from these critical human service agencies.  Thus I will be proposing that we reinstate the $75,000 to the HSF.

I have spoken with Jane about these issues and she will offer some options for us to consider if we wish to restore the $75,000 to the HSF.


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