[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Presentation from Xcel Energy

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Nov 14 10:11:31 MST 2013

Sender: Darrow, Alisa

Would you please post this on hotline?  I had incorrectly stated that December 10 was our energy study session.  We have ~2 hours set aside to discuss energy at our December 17th meeting and Xcel's presentation would be much more appropriate
 at that time in that session.





---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Lisa Morzel <lisamorzel at gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Nov 13, 2013 at 10:28 AM
Subject: Re: 11.12.13 CAC Summary
To: "Darrow, Alisa" <DarrowA at bouldercolorado.gov>
Cc: CAC <CAC at bouldercolorado.gov>, DAP <DAP at bouldercolorado.gov>, Directors <Directors at bouldercolorado.gov>, "Johnson,
 Elesha" <JohnsonE2 at bouldercolorado.gov>, "Large, Ann" <LargeA at bouldercolorado.gov>, "Darrow, Alisa" <DarrowA at bouldercolorado.gov>,
council at bouldercolorado.gov, Mary Young <marydoloyoung at gmail.com>, Andrew Shoemaker <ashoemaker at sgslitigation.com>,
 Sam Weaver <sampweaver at gmail.com>

At CAC yesterday, we learned we received a request from Xcel over the weekend to come before to our next televised business meeting on November 19th so they could make some type of presentation.  Upon reflection, I have a few requests and
 suggestions or questions:


1.  I want to know from Xcel prior to our next CAC on 11/18 what specifically they want to present and would like Xcel to provide a brief memo as to the contents by Monday morning for CAC.  This is important to allow staff, and new and
 existing council members to better prepare for this.  I would also like to know how long Xcel plans to present and in what format.  Do they expect questions from council and a discussion?  Why such short notice?


2.  We have a study session scheduled regarding energy on December 10th.  We had invited Xcel to that meeting months ago and they recently informed us they were not ready and would not be so until later in spring.  Now Xcel wants to come
 to our November 19th meeting. For efficiency and cohesiveness, I recommend CAC suggest Xcel come to our December 17th study session as long planned and present what they want on Nov. 19th then.  That would allow more time for discussion.









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