[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Nod of 5 Requested

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Jun 17 09:19:38 MDT 2013

Sender: Ageton, Suzy

Tomorrow at CAC, I will be asking to add an item under Matters from Mayor and Members for Tuesday evening. I will be requesting a nod of 5 to direct the City Attorney to take on two tasks:

        1) prepare a report on a specific event that occurred at a recent Planning Board meeting                                                                        and
        2) provide Council with: 1) research on best practices for handling electronic                          communications during City meetings and 2) recommendations for a City policy to address         such communications. 

The first request is prompted by a situation which occurred at a recent Planning Board Meeting.  It is my understanding that during deliberation, some Planning Board members received an email that was related to the matter under discussion.  I have asked the City Attorney about this and been told that he is aware of this event, but that further review is needed to fully understand what occurred and what, if any, impact it may have had.

Since the Council has oversight responsibility for all City Boards and Commissions, I am requesting a report on this specific event.  Once Council has detailed information, it can decide what, if any, action it may wish to take. 

Second, I am requesting that the City Attorney provide Council with: 1) research on best practices for handling the receipt and sending of electronic communications during City meetings and 2) specific recommendations for a City policy to address such communications. This is an issue Council has touched on before and for which we have no clear policy.   The use of electronic communications is ubiquitous and it would seem prudent to get a policy in place as soon as possible.

I am assuming that the first request would not take too much time and would ask that the report on the Planning Board matter be provided to Council no later then its first meeting in July. I expect the City Attorney will let us know how much time he would need to meet the second request.


Sent from my iPad

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