[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Letter to COGCC

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Jan 29 08:34:00 MST 2013

Sender: Dan Culberson

Coloradans Living in the Boulder-Denver Area:

Were none of you living in the Boulder-Denver area back in the Sixties?

In all the discussion about allowing fracking on the Eastern Slope of the Colorado Rocky Mountains, I have yet to see anything that relates to all the earthquakes that were experienced here in the Sixties. I was living here in Boulder then, and I experienced all those earthquakes.

At the time, Rocky Flats was pumping its waste water deep into the ground, and astute scientists figured out that the natural geological makeup of underground sedimentary rock, pushed up by the Rocky Mountains to the west, was slipping because of the pumped-in waste water and thus causing all the earthquakes we were experiencing. Once that was determined, Rocky Flats STOPPED pumping its waste water into the ground, and guess what?

The earthquakes STOPPED!

Fracking on the Front Range is going to cause all those earthquakes to come back! You could look it up.

I have lived in Boulder since 1959, and I don't want the earthquakes to return. Now, stop worrying about how close wells will be to residences and schools, and PREVENT any wells to be drilled at all!

Dan Culberson
Boulder, Colorado

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