[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Retreat Preparation

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Jan 7 09:48:08 MST 2013

Sender: Plass, Tim


Here is my input for what we may want to consider adding to the 2013 and/or 2014 work plan (listed in no particular order):

1. IT-- Council Technology/Electronic Document Management System I didn't see this on the work plan and think it is an important part of our commitment to sustainability as a council and a city to continue to move away from paper and toward an efficient and easy to use electronic data system. What steps will staff be taking to assure a continuing transition? 

There are several areas in our data filing and document system that could be improved to make retrieval easier and more user-friendly--for council, staff and the public. This may also have positive implications for the staff time required to respond to CORA requests in that much more of the information sought will be online and easily accessible.

2. Longs Iris Garden We should continue to explore preservation of this one-of-a-kind agricultural parcel within the city limits for future agricultural use. I would like to see the process for acquiring an interest in the property pursued in 2013.

3. Local Food/Sustainable Agriculture/Healthy Eating I was pleased to see local food and sustainable agriculture on the work plan, and I fully support the continuing initiatives identified in the reference notebook across a variety of departments to make incremental steps supporting the effort. 

I believe that it is also important that we have a more unified approach across the city with regard to how we approach the issue of local food, sustainable agriculture and healthy eating/nutrition. To that end, I would like to see us tee up for 2014 an effort to adopt a food plan for the city, with the thought that it would help to explain and lay out in more detail the section on the topic that we put into the 2010 update to the BVCP. We would not have to reinvent the wheel for this effort, as other communities already have such a plan in place. See, e.g., the city of Berkeley's food and nutrition policy, http://www.food-matters.org/pages/berkeley.htm 

4. Boulder Community Hospital Area Plans As Ron Secrist laid out in his presentation before the council, there will be a significant shift east of the hospital's operations, with impacts to both the Broadway campus and
 the Mapleton Center at 4th/Mapleton. We can expect significant redevelopment to occur on and/or around these sites. In order to achieve the type of redevelopment most suitable and beneficial to our community goals and vision, we should create area plans for the sites and surrounding parcels. Time is of the essence as the proposed redevelopment of 1000 Alpine indicates. If we can't get to this in 2013, it should be a part of the 2014 work plan.

5. Affordable Housing Board I would like to see us create an affordable housing board. Having a standing board would be very helpful given the difficulty and breadth of the challenges we face on the affordable housing front. Such a board would aid the council in finding the most appropriate approaches to our ambitious goals in this area.


Tim Plass
Boulder City Council Member
On Jan 3, 2013, at 8:39 PM, Beck, Lynnette wrote:


Friendly reminder to submit your feedback no later than tomorrow, January 4 for items 3, 4 and 5.

Thank you,

From: Lewis, Alisa
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 11:03 AM
To: Ageton, Suzy; Appelbaum, Matt; Becker, KC; Cowles, Macon; Jones, Suzanne; Karakehian, George; Morzel, Lisa; Plass, Tim; External - Morzel, Lisa; Wilson, Ken
Cc: Execs; Beck, Lynnette
Subject: Retreat Preparation

Good Morning,

In preparation for the Retreat and the January 15 Study Session, the Retreat Committee would like your input on the five items listed below.  Please respond in short, descriptive paragraphs – aim for brevity (two pages), with enough detail to adequately explain your item.

Also note that the items have different response times.

1.  Council Process items for discussion Friday night - Please respond by December 7

Staff evaluations, the role of CAC, travel protocol, and the process related to Call-Ups and site reviews have been identified as potential topics.  Do you have additional items to add to the agenda? (Please focus on process items for this question)

2.  Status Updates - Please respond by December 28
Are there any loose ends you would like a status update on?  Staff will be asked to prepare these updates for the January 15 Study Session.

3.  Anticipated Items Not on Work Plan - Please respond by January 4

The Council Reference Notebook will be distributed December 18.  Are there any items you anticipate will come forward in 2013 that are not identified in the reference notebook?

(Please double check the reference
 book to ensure the item is not already included)

4.  2013 Work Plan - Please respond by January 4

Are the 2013 work plan items still the right ones?  If not, what additional items would you bring forward, and what would you take off the current work plan in order to address them?  Please prioritize your additions rather than advancing a “wish list.”

5.  2014 Work Plan – Please respond by January 4

Are there any issues you want to discuss as potential items to tee up for the 2014 work plan?

The 2013 Council Reference Notebook will be distributed December 18.  Bound copies will be made available.  Please indicate whether you would like ONLY an electronic copy.

As background and reference, in addition to the 2013 reference notebook, you may find it helpful to review two documents: 1) the 2012 council work plan summary located in the reference materials of final agenda packets and the June mid-year check in summary.

Both are attached.

All submissions should be emailed to Lynette Beck at beckl at bouldercolorado.gov


Thanks on behalf of your retreat committee!




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