[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Amend 64 safety issues and social policies group
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri Jan 4 16:59:47 MST 2013
Sender: Morzel, Lisa
Below our my notes from our first a64 work group meeting yesterday. we are one of 5 working groups on a64 and are advisory to the regulatory framework group. we will have somewhere between 5-8 meetings by mid-end of February. I will be meeting w Carl, Mishawn, and Kathy on Thursday jan 10 to discuss. Mishawn is on another working group. Next email will contain the general issues being discussed by the 5 various groups.
Amend 64 safety issues and social policies group
1st meeting
Chris urbina. Director and chief med officer of cdphe co-chair Christian sederberg. Atty. an author of amend 64 co-chair Kevin fisher chair of mmj business gp Jade Woodard co alliance on drug endangerment to children Ian barringer. Founder of rm3 labs. Does cannabonoid analyses Ashley kasporak team ft Collins serve youth and parents and hospitality Craig small attorney for mmj and family practice Chris Wyatt care for colorado, public health and policy Lisa morzel Kari franson. Clinical pharmacist. Effects of cannabis on system waked in Laura borgelt assoc prof of pharmacy. Interest in women reproductive age Art way. Senior drug mgr for co alternatives to drug war; stopping Frank Cornelia policy advocate. Mental health agencies, licensed psychiatrist Brandon friede governor's office Chris stone adolescent drug treatment. Assoc prof at cu deals w substance abuse psychiatrist Wade troxell cc mgr of ft Collins Ken Stanton? Co spgs board certified trainer for mj Rosemary harris lido newsjournalist. NAACP civil rts agenda ending mass incarceration of people of color Laura Harris. Head of regulatory enforcement in co
Objectives, expectations
To Id the legal policy issues to be resolved and propose reg We will put forward recommendations to larger task force Consensus building
Remember to consider in light of alcohol, costs, etc. here to implement amendment 64
Issues. (See handouts)
Public comment:
1. Mike elliott. Handout on current research on mmj. 2 pts: don't reinvent the wheel; intrastate
2. Jack war activist for legalization of mj, happy to see implementation, drug war instrument of oppression, will affect dynamics in Central America, etc
3. Jackie Edwards concerned ,re mmj program, a 64 is about consumers over 21, not about children; should be a high priority to make it fit for consumers and providers
4. Jessica LaRue 3 issues lacking; edibles, legal liability transferred to the person buying, sign for product; all products should have labels, ads to license
5. Robin Hackett. Grew up w mj, moved from opiates to cannabis, own a dispensary
6. Paul Brockman, md, can ibis expert, needs to get more info from those in the trenches including doctors, patients, what will be implemented and how it will be paid for is a concern, financing of any products has to be considered,, what's being done w alcohol and balance, Harm reduction is a big issue
7. Terry robnet mmj patient and founder of canno is patient network, watch out for taboos to teens, keep in mind what consumer needs
8. Suvi miller. Parent and mental health provider, concerned of a 64 on children
9. Bob Doyle. Exec dir of co tobacco etc. opposed to 64 because of issue of smoking, prevent mass marketing and advertising, second hand smoke, don't negatively impact on others
10. Gina carbone 3rd genation co.mother of 4, concerned w impacts on children, ESP the edibles, reconsider ability of out of state visitors to buy mj
11. Mark Balkan, ex dir of unions for food, ag, etc Protecting the rts, safety, and health of workers Employees should have strict training, etc
Next mtg 1/10
"Politics is what we create by what we do, what we hope for, and what we dare to imagine." Paul Wellstone 1944-2002
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