[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Greenhouse Gas Emissions - the big footprint

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed Feb 6 10:17:20 MST 2013

Sender: Wilson, Ken

The clear and thoughtful presentation last night by climate scientist James White, Professor of CU Geological Sciences and Director of the Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research was very sobering.  Anyone who didn't see it should watch it on TV rerun of
 the Council Meeting or streaming video on Channel 8.  The heating of the atmosphere by greenhouse gasses is simple physics, like gravity.  The long term implications are pretty inevitable.
There was some discussion after Professor White's talk about the US going away from coal to more natural gas.  There have also been discussions in the community about the price of coal vs other sources of energy and the impacts of burning coal on the environment. 
 A friend just sent me the link to an article on coal companies.  While you can think what you may of the investment web site, the information in the article has some very interesting information on coal consumption and where it is going.  Not very hopeful
 for those of us who look at the big picture.
Best regards,
Ken Wilson

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