[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Background on Xcel attack on net metering

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed Dec 18 10:27:37 MST 2013

Sender: Weaver, Sam


For a little context on the Xcel attempt to reduce incentives for distributed solar PV through ascribing an inflated value of the grid inter-connection (posited as a cost to other consumers), see the note below.  The connection between ALEC, the Edison Institute, and Xcel's attempt to manipulate the data on grid issues should not be overlooked.  This potentially affects several local solar companies, including Namaste Solar, Custom Solar, Independent Power Systems, and many others.

More information on the Colorado initiative by Xcel can be found here:



Sam Weaver
Member of Boulder City Council
weavers at bouldercolorado.gov
Phone: 303-416-6130

From: Adam Browning [mailto:Adam at votesolar.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 17, 2013 2:34 PM
To: Sam Weaver
Subject: The Desolation of Smog (with apologies to Tolkien)

Over the course of 2013, we have seen a dozen utilities take aim at customer solar adoption through regulation. It began in earnest last spring, when Arizona Public Service filed for approval of a scheme to squash the growing solar market in the state. APS spent at least $3.7 million dollars on television ads attacking rooftop solar and promoting their scheme.  We’ve never seen the like.

Then, the Edison Electric Institute, the deep-pocketed trade association representing the major utilities in the US, also produced an ad attacking rooftop solar - and spent a reported half million dollars airing it during NFL Sunday. This is unprecedented.

Let’s be clear: most EEI members are not just huge monopolies, but monopolies with guaranteed (!) returns on investment. These monopolies are principally investing in polluting fossil fuels, whether you like it or not, while shifting all the costs to human health and the environment onto you and your kids (like it or not).  They privatize the profits and socialize the costs – and like that sweet deal just fine. EEI members have fought renewable policies.  EEI members have blocked effective federal action on carbon and climate change.  Having failed to deliver collective solutions, the Mordor of Monopolies is now gearing up to stop individual actions.

As if EEI and dozens of state fights weren’t enough, we are now getting word that American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) - is taking aim at rooftop solar homeowners. Armed with deep pockets and the influence of its corporate membership, ALEC is reportedly sponsoring efforts to try and remove customer choice and protect monopolies from individuals going solar.  So much for liberty and free markets.

Rooftop solar provides the opportunity for individuals to make their own energy choices. Solar opens the door to democracy in environmental decision-making.  And that’s what the utility interests, with their deep pockets and guaranteed rates of return, are trying to prevent.

It’s not all doom and gloom. For all the places where battles have raged this year, not one has ended in defeat. Time and again – in Louisiana, Idaho, California, Arizona, and soon (we hope) in Colorado – solar supporters have won the day.

Vote Solar
101 Montgomery St, Suite 2600
San Francisco, CA 94104


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