[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: RE: Hotline: Reponses to Hotline Questions related to the Municipalization Exploration Project

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri Apr 5 14:07:56 MDT 2013

Sender: Bailey, Heather

Dear Dale,
The Hotline email most definitely will be seen by Council, as that is one of the key mediums they and the public use to get issues/questions out in the public
 domain.  I truly appreciate you sending this and if you haven’t seen it already, the city has publicly stated they are not conducting this survey.   We were notified by other citizens that this was taking place and we wanted to make sure the public was aware
 this was not a city survey.   Subsequently, Xcel has confirmed  they are conducting this survey.

I share your concerns about the municipalization  debate and have worked to try to keep the focus as objective as possible.  We have involved 50 or so  members
 of the community in our analysis, all with very diverse backgrounds and perspectives, to try to keep the process focused, open and objective.  I know there is misinformation being circulated and that is disappointing.  The evaluation is meant to evaluate options
 to reaching the city’s energy future goals, which in the end should involve change.   The city and Xcel have formed a task force to look at how a partnership can achieve the goals of cleaner power, reduced emissions, local control or say so in power choices
 and services and move into an energy future that embraces new technology while insuring reliability.  The good news is these things are already happening across the county and Europe. . 

Many Thanks,
Heather Bailey

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