[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: FW: Hotline: Reponses to Hotline Questions related to the Municipalization Exploration Project

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri Apr 5 12:33:41 MDT 2013

Sender: Darrow, Alisa

From: Dale Meyer [mailto:gdalemeyer at gmail.com]

Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 9:59 AM
To: CMOSupport
Cc: Dale Meyer
Subject: Re: [bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Reponses to Hotline Questions related to the Municipalization Exploration Project


Received a survey phone call last night April 4. Complicated questions took 25 minutes. Asked who created/paid for the survey. Interviewer instructed not to reveal. Terrible sets of questions. WAS THIS COMMISSIONED BY CITY COUNCIL OR CITY
 ADMINISTRATION? If it was I must say "please stop the childish behavior - you have become a terrible embarrassment." If it was X'Cel that created and funded this imbecilic "survey" then the City Council and City Manager need to be aware of this and publicize
 it widely. Either way, the telephone questionnaire was insulting, sophomoric at best, and the public must be made aware that the results are meaningless. I must restate that the interviewer would not reveal who paid for the survey - he was instructed not to
 do so. In my years in Boulder [45+] there have been many issues that our community has faced, but this "municipalization" battle is approaching the worst - the egos are rampant, we experience uncivilized bombastic behavior beyond belief, and many of my longtime Boulder
 friends and acquaintances are saddened to observe intelligent people on both sides behaving like small bratty children. I realize that my comments here won't reach elected Councilpersons nor the City Manager due to "policy" - however, these officials need
 to be made aware that many reasonable longtime residents sadly perceive the inappropriate behavior of both City Officials and X'Cel executives. So,
Heather, if at all possible, please send this message to all City Council members and the City Manager - kindly figure out some way that all are apprised of the view of this 77 year old fellow and many other longtime Boulder citizens.


G. Dale Meyer

1800 Bluebell Avenue [same home 45 years, built in 1906]

Boulder, CO 80302


On Fri, Apr 5, 2013 at 8:40 AM, <cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov> wrote:
Sender: Bailey, Heather

Council members Cowles and Wilson,

Thank you for the questions you posted to the City Council Hotline on February 25, March 1 and March 11 related to the Municipalization Exploration project. Responses to
 your questions are provided as an attachment to this email and will be included as an attachment to the April 16 City Council memo.

Best regards,

Heather Bailey

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G. Dale Meyer, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor Emeritus and

Founding Director, Deming Center for Entrepreneurship

University of Colorado - Boulder USA

Founder and Chairman,  Western Partners Worldwide 

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