[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Thunderbird Lake

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Apr 1 11:48:15 MDT 2013

Sender: Wilson, Ken

I have several questions that are hopefully easy to answer for tomorrow evening's discussion on Thunderbird Lake.  I also have a recommended alternative for the motion.
1.  What is the total water budget for Parks and Recreation?
2.  What has been the actual water use by Parks and Rec over the past few years?
3.  How much did Parks and Rec pay to the Water Utility (interdepartmental transfers) over the past few years.
4.  Is there a breakdown of the Parks and Rec water budget for turf watering, swimming pools, other?  If so, what is it?
5.  Is there a specific water budget for Burke Park turf watering, excluding water directly added to Thunderbird Lake?
6.  What has been the City's sale price for raw water in the past few years?
7.  What is the marginal cost for treating water at the water treatment plants?
Hopefully this information is readily available.  Not trying to cause much work here.
Alternative Language for the Motion:
Motion to support a recommendation to maintain Thunderbird Lake at A natural surface water level, without the
REGULAR addition of potable water and; ..."
I believe adding the word "regular" to the motion will allow water to be added if necessary and in non-drought years without coming back to Council.  The staff memo says this is desirable in several places.
Ken Wilson

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