[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Fwd: FINAL PRESS RELEASE & LETTER TO GOVERNOR
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Sep 25 17:18:42 MDT 2012
Sender: Jones, Suzanne
Dear fellow Boulder Council members--
Thanks to all of you for signing onto the letter to the Governor and helping to create momentum on this issue. As noted below, there were an impressive number of signatories from across the state.
Please see the attached final letter and press release.
Begin forwarded message:
From: "Jones, Suzanne" <JonesS at bouldercolorado.gov>
Date: September 19, 2012 5:05:00 PM MDT
To: "Dennis.Coombs at ci.longmont.co.us" <Dennis.Coombs at ci.longmont.co.us>,
Will Toor <wtoor at bouldercounty.org>, Cindy Domenico <cdomenico at bouldercounty.org>, Deb Gardner <dgardner at bouldercounty.org>,
"sbernot at carbondaleco.net" <sbernot at carbondaleco.net>, "grndcty1 at co.grand.co.us" <grndcty1 at co.grand.co.us>,
"Wally.White at co.laplata.co.us" <Wally.White at co.laplata.co.us>, James Newberry <jlnewberry15 at gmail.com>, Nancy Stuart
<nstuart at co.grand.co.us>, "gbumgarner at co.grand.co.us" <gbumgarner at co.grand.co.us>, Karn Stiegelmeier <karns at co.summit.co.us>,
Dan Gibbs <dang at co.summit.co.us>, Thomas Davidson <thomasd at co.summit.co.us>, Jon Stavney <jon.stavney at eaglecounty.us>, "Rachel
Richards" <rachelrichards at comcast.net>, "george.newman at co.pitkin.co.us" <george.newman at co.pitkin.co.us>, Mark
Gruber <mgruber at erieco.gov>, Christine Berg <christine.berg at cityoflafayette.com>, Carolyn Cutler <carolyn.cutler at cityoflafayette.com>,
"BobM at LouisvilleCO.gov" <BobM at LouisvilleCO.gov>, Julie VanDomelen <JulieV at townoflyons.com>, "Joe Gierlach" <joeg at nederlandco.org>,
"rzenzinger at arvada.org" <rzenzinger at arvada.org>, "swfhorn at aol.com" <swfhorn at aol.com>, "Chris - City
Council Dist #7 Nevitt" <chris.nevitt at denvergov.org>, "Robin L. - City Council Kniech" <robin.kniech at denvergov.org>, Tim Mauck for Clear Creek <tim at timmauck.com>,
"kferraro at comcast.net" <kferraro at comcast.net>, "Shepherd, Susan K. - City Council District 1" <Susan.Shepherd at denvergov.org>,
"space at saguachecounty-co.gov" <space at saguachecounty-co.gov>, Bob Vermeulen <bobvforward3 at gmail.com>, "Doug Monger"
<DMonger at co.routt.co.us>, Jack Hatfield <jack.hatfield at jacksresortservices.com>, "huck at crestedbutte-co.gov"
<huck at crestedbutte-co.gov>, Bill Fisher <bill at williamfisher.com>, Saoirse Charis-Graves <saoirse03 at mac.com>, Marcie Miller
<mmiller at cityofgolden.net>, "ljoseph at saguachecounty-co.gov" <ljoseph at saguachecounty-co.gov>, Shelley Cook <scook at arvada.org>,
"nmcnally at cityofwestminster.us" <nmcnally at cityofwestminster.us>, "faithwinter at gmail.com" <faithwinter at gmail.com>,
"Mick.Ireland at ci.aspen.co.us" <Mick.Ireland at ci.aspen.co.us>, Tom Eisenman <TEisenman at parkco.us>, "RHodges at parkco.us"
<RHodges at parkco.us>, "MDowaliby at parkco.us" <MDowaliby at parkco.us>, "JTighe at parkco.us" <JTighe at parkco.us>
Dear colleagues--
Thank you so much for signing onto the group letter to the Governor in support of Longmont's right to use existing authorities to govern oil and gas development!
We had an impressive number of signatories:
--21 county commissioners from 10 counties across Colorado, including the entire county commissions of Summit, Grand, Park, and Boulder counties;
--60 mayors and city council members from 17 Front Range and West Slope towns and cities, including the entire boards of Westminster, Bennett, Carbondale, Crested Butte, Lyons and Boulder.
Attached is the final letter, which was delivered to the Governor this afternoon, as well as the accompanying press release.
Mayors, please forward this to your board/council colleagues--much thanks.
Thanks again for being engaged on this important issue!
Suzanne Jones
(720) 633-7388
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