[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: RE: Reliability metrics

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri Oct 12 08:13:35 MDT 2012

Sender: Wilson, Ken

Thank you Heather.  
I had intended putting something out on Hotline after consulting with you and will do so now.  Part of my desire at rewording the reliability metrics description was to capture the need to provide assurance that reliability would be the same or better than that provided by Xcel on day 1 of a municipal utility.  To do that, the grid itself must be at least as robust as it is today.  This includes the back office systems that manage the grid, providing outage information, outage location, dispatch and other grid
 services.  I have expressed concern in the past that valuable information on the history of outages, the history of maintenance and repair and the status of transformers and other equipment will probably be lost.  I have also expressed concern that the current grid topology will be broken and the design for separation must take this into account and add appropriate feeders and feeder extensions to compensate.  I don't think the current language necessarily covers these issues. 
I will continue to consider these issues and will have more to say later.

From: Bailey, Heather
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2012 7:06 PM
To: Wilson, Ken; Koehn, Jonathan
Cc: Brautigam, Jane
Subject: RE: Reliability metrics

Thanks Ken for the suggestions.  We had a lot of discussion about this and decided (with the input from metrics team) to have the initial test be that the equipment, facilities, and services be maintained  as those of Xcel at the time of acquisition, as it was the only way to insure comparable reliability to Xcel, for the charter test, at the time of municipalization.  Subsequent to becoming a utility, if we so choose, we could set SAIDI and SAIFI targets to be the same or better than Xcel, absent any extraordinary circumstances – such as a severe ice storm that could take down a portion of the system.
Also, if in the spirit of full disclosure,  I wanted to post your suggestion and our response on the hotline.  Many thanks and appreciate the suggestion, we will submit it as a proposed amendment at Tuesday’s council meeting unless we hear otherwise.

Best regards,

From: Wilson, Ken

Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 4:14 PM
To: Bailey, Heather; Koehn, Jonathan
Cc: Brautigam, Jane
Subject: Reliability metrics

Is it too late to add the following language for a bit more precision?
A new utility's reliability will be measured by:
1.  Maintaining the distribution grid with comperable electric equipment, facilities and services as those of Xcel at time of acquisition. ...
I would really prefer adding something like "Maintaining the distribution grid such that System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and Customer Minutes of Outage (CMO) will be the same or better than that provided by Xcel Energy.  This includes maintaining comparable electric equipment, facilities and services ..."
Let me know what you think.
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