[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Millenium Harvest House loses Dan Pirallo

cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov cmosupport at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue May 15 09:16:14 MDT 2012

Sender: Cowles, Macon

I am very sorry to see Dan Pirallo leave the Millenium Hotel. Dan is the very embodiment of a gracious host, and he knows how important it is that we provide a warm welcome to guests and others who make their way into and through our hotels and conferences. He has been a tireless worker and connector on a very important project: bringing to life a conference center in conjunction with the University of Colorado to serve all of Boulder.

In addition to being kind, gracious and hard working, Dan is an immensely talented professional. This is a huge loss for the Harvest House. And if Dan leaves Boulder, it will be a big loss to the community that he loves and has served so well.

Dan's last day at the Millenium is Friday, May 11. Fair winds to you, Dan. Thank you for your service and the sparkle sparkle and thought you have brought to Boulder.

Macon Cowles
Boulder City Councilor

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