[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: RE: Proposed Amendment to Mobile Food Vehicle Ordinance

kohls at bouldercolorado.gov kohls at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue May 17 14:43:11 MDT 2011

Sender: Becker, KC

Council Members:
Thanks to Molly for giving the heads-up that I plan to introduce an amendment that will allow mobile food trucks at the airport. Although our proposed ordinance allows the trucks in Industrial zones, the airport is zoned Public and therefore is not included as a location for the trucks. On a recent tour of the airport, I heard from the airport manager and existing tenants that increasing food options out there would be most welcome.

I also plan to introduce one more amendment, which would allow the trucks at North Boulder Park. In our meeting last month on this matter, several council members expressed an interest in providing great opportunities for mobile food trucks, especially in some of our park areas. Allowing mobile food trucks generally in city parks is a larger work plan item and the City Manager has invited us to bring that up at our June Work Plan Review Session. However, several council members expressed the interest in doing something smaller and more immediate to test the idea and to see how it works. I surveyed the Newlands neighborhood around North Boulder Park and got very wide and enthusiastic support for the idea. I think it provides the opportunity to build community, support small local businesses, generate sales tax revenue, and diversify food offerings. 

I believe that there will be language on the dais tonight for both of these proposals. 
Thanks to staff for the help in putting these amendments together-

KC Becker
Boulder City Council Member
From: Winter, Molly
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2011 12:28 PM
Cc: Llanes, Sandra; Ferro, Charles; Cunningham, Ellen
Subject: Proposed Amendment to Mobile Food Vehicle Ordinance

Dear Council Members:

I wanted to give you a heads up. At the request of Councilmember Becker, there will be a proposed amendment to the mobile food vehicle ordinance passed out at the meeting this evening that would allow mobile food vehicles at the Boulder Municipal Airport in such areas and manner within the airport property as approved by the city manager.
Molly Winter

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