[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: Prairie Dog Relocation from Foothills Community Park to Gunbarrel.

kohls at bouldercolorado.gov kohls at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue May 17 11:14:47 MDT 2011

Sender: Becker, KC

City Council members:
As you know, we have been receiving many emails regarding the proposed relocation of prairie dogs from Foothills Community Park to the Richardson II property in Gunbarrel. 

The City Manager has indicated that she will post a mitigation plan on the city website on May 24th, and that staff will submit a permit request for the relocation to the Colorado Division of Wildlife on June 2nd. She also indicated that an Information Packet will be distributed to us in early June. 

I'm concerned that the above timeline for receiving an information packet does not provide us with enough time to evaluate this action. Tonight is our only regular meeting until June (all our other meetings are study sessions). June 7th is our only regular business meeting before recess. 

This proposal has created a very strong reaction by hundreds of Gunbarrel residents. Over 800 people have signed a petition opposing the relocation. There might be very good reasons for undertaking this action, but I don't feel like I know enough to have the confidence that it is necessary or in the best interest of everyone affected. Although it is a staff level decision to move the prairie dogs, Council is being held responsible for it, and yet I know so little about it. If our information packet comes too close to or after our June 7th meeting, this gives us little opportunity to evaluate or take action and waiting til then will disrupt the timeline that Open Space is currently working under. 

I think that when this many people oppose a city action, it is incumbent on the Council to take a closer look. If nothing else, it will provide everyone a chance to air grievances, get educated, and be prepared the next time. I'm also sympathetic to the complaint that we are taking a city problem and hoisting it onto a neighborhood outside the city who does not have the same political representation or recourse that our own residents do. 

I have submitted a list of questions to the City Manager with the hope that answers will be part of the Information they provide to us in early June.  I'm including those here and adding a few more. 

I'd like Council to consider a motion that the proposed removal (or permit request to CDOW?) be delayed until Council has more time to understand this proposal. 


KC Becker
Boulder City Council Member

List of Questions:

1. Are prairie dogs that have plague -or could have plague- being moved to this area? 
2. What is the compelling reason to do this now and not wait to either find a different location or to not do it at all?
3. I understand the city delayed it once in order to provide for better public input. Since receiving that input, what has been the city's response and how is it addressing the public input? 
4. I'm told that there vegetation in the area has really declined, so that there is now significant water run-off concerns. Does this change staff's recommendation to use this area as a relocation site?   
5. What really is staff's recommendation? I'm told by Gunbarrel residents that they heard in no uncertain terms that this is against the recommendations from OSMP biologists and other wildlife professionals, but that it is a political decision made by city council. 
6. How many prairie dogs are being relocated? Don't the chances of contracting plague increase as the number or concentration of prairie dogs increases? Is the number suggested for relocation to Robertson II under this threshold?
7. Aren't there safety concerns with relocation these pdogs, even if they don't have the plague right now, because it is directly adjacent to residential area and elementary school?
8. The City Manager has indicated that they are working to mitigate community concerns. What options exist for mitigation and what exactly are you mitigating for? 
9. I believe that the Prairie Dog Coalition has recently expressed to Staff opposition to this removal. Why?

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