[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: FW: City unveils NoBo video to promote voting in 2011 Live Work Play award

kohls at bouldercolorado.gov kohls at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Feb 14 07:23:33 MST 2011

Sender: Osborne, Susan

Hi everyone.

I hope you all have  had a chance to view the fabulous video about the delights of NOBO that is Boulder's entry for the DRCOG Live, Work, Play award.  Lisa and Macon have starring roles, as well as other NOBO denizens!  I just love it and have voted a dozen times already -- it's legal so don't be shy!  And let your friends and associates in on the fun.

Behind the scenes, Ruth McHeyser and the inimitable Robin Woodsong deserve kudos for the professional video presentation of this wonderful and evolving Boulder neighborhood.

Competition is stiff, but this would be a fun one to win!


Susan M. Osborne, Mayor
Boulder, Colorado
"Yes We Can"

From: Huntley, Sarah
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 3:22 PM
Cc: news at list.ci.boulder.co.us
Subject: City unveils NoBo video to promote voting in 2011 Live Work Play award

Calling all supporters of the NoBo commercial district! View our video, stand proud of all that has been accomplished, and then, go to http://www3.drcog.org/liveworkplay to vote for this special place. You can vote as many times as you want. Please tell your friends.
Here's the video: NoBo: Live Work Play<http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c340wX4c9a0>

Sarah Huntley
Media Relations/Communications Coordinator
City of Boulder
huntleys at bouldercolorado.gov

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