[bouldercouncilhotline] Hotline: FW: modified resolution for tomorrow and history of OS acquisition in jeffco
kohls at bouldercolorado.gov
kohls at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Dec 21 11:02:17 MST 2010
Sender: Lewis, Alisa
From: lisa morzel [mailto:lisa_morzel at hotmail.com]
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 5:41 PM
To: Council; Carr, Thomas; Gehr, David; Brautigam, Jane; Patton, Mike; Castillo, Carl; Schmidt, Jim
Cc: andrew muckle; Will Toor; Ben Pearlman; megan davis
Subject: modified resolution for tomorrow and history of OS acquisition in jeffco
Dear Colleagues,
Please find attached a modification from what you have in your council packet to the resolution for a regional vision for NW Jefferson County. I have communicated with Mayor Muckle about his concerns for the town of Superior and have included those in this modification. I've also tried to address some of the comments made from the public in this modification. The top version shows the changes I have made as tracked; the bottom one is accepted version.
Also please find a history of city of Boulder acquisition of Open Space in Jefferson County.
We will discuss these items tomorrow under matters from council. If you have questions, suggestions, please let me know.
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