[BoulderCouncilHotline] Rules around meetings

Speer, Nicole SpeerN at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Jan 19 15:57:27 MST 2023

Dear colleagues,

It has come to my attention this afternoon that there is a closed-door meeting happening next week that two of us may be planning to attend. I understand that this meeting has been planned for a few weeks and other people invited to this meeting are: a county commissioner, the county sheriff, the DA, a state representative, a representative from our US Representative's office, staff, as well as a number of community members who have written us lately with concerns about crime and homelessness.

It appears one of the stated outcomes of this meeting is to align on policy around our approach to high system users.

I understand that staff can and do meet with community members on specific issues at their discretion. I would like to understand the rules around one or more councilmembers attending what appear to be policy meetings with other policymakers when their attendance is not part of a council-established subcommittee.

I also want to make sure that staff who report directly to council know they do not need to take meetings with community members if one or even two councilmembers asks them to do so, given that our council employees report to us as a body, not to us as individuals.

I will be bringing these points up at the end of our meeting tonight.

Thank you,

Nicole Speer, Ph.D.
Boulder City Councilmember
Pronouns: she, her(s), ella

Phone: 303-519-9068

Web: bouldercolorado.gov/person/nicole-speer<https://bouldercolorado.gov/person/nicole-speer>
Twitter: @SpeerBldrCC<https://twitter.com/SpeerBldrCC>

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