[BoulderCouncilHotline] Clarification Regarding Item 5B - ARPA & Supplemental Appropriations

Woulf, Mark WoulfM at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Nov 29 17:45:43 MST 2022

Dear Council & Hotline Followers,

We want to provide additional clarity regarding the Council direction and action being requested related to Item 5B<https://boulder.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/CoverSheet.aspx?ItemID=4852&MeetingID=744> at the Thursday, December 1 Regular Meeting.  This item is being presented in two parts:

  1.  Ordinance 8558, Supplemental Appropriations to the 2022 Budget.  This item is our regularly scheduled adjustment-to-base and does NOT include ARPA-related appropriations.
  2.  American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Tranche 3 funding recommendations.  At Council's request from the October budget meetings, we are bringing forward Tranche 3 ARPA funding recommendations and the reallocation of the remaining public health reserve during this agenda item. Staff is NOT asking to appropriate ARPA dollars on Thursday.  This is because any appropriation done now would lapse at the end of the year and would need to be reappropriated in 2023.  Staff will bring the appropriation ordinance for ARPA spending (and a few other adjustments) through a special adjustment-to-base in February.

The Tranche 3 recommendations have been developed based on Council direction provided in February and March 2022 and further in a May 24, 2022 Council study session.  Council also provided some general feedback on the public health reserve reallocation at the budget hearings in October and further questions at first reading of this agenda item.  If Council provides direction to make changes to the staff recommendations, we can accommodate these changes prior to the special adjustment in February.

Staff will also clarify the process, previous Council direction, and formal direction being requested during the staff presentation at the beginning of the item on Thursday.

Thank you,

Mark Woulf
Senior Budget Manager
O: (303) 413-7313
1136 Alpine Ave.
Boulder, CO 80304
woulfm at bouldercolorado.gov

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