[BoulderCouncilHotline] Occupancy limits discussion

Friend, Rachel FriendR at bouldercolorado.gov
Sat Nov 20 11:42:33 MST 2021

Dear CAC and Hotline readers,

At the November 16, 2021 City Council meeting, we were asked to suspend enforcement of occupancy limits for six months while working on reforming occupancy limits. Based on our Council’s “no surprises rule,” and a desire to give staff and community members time to weigh in, I requested we hold off consideration of the request that evening, and asked our Council’s agenda-setting committee (CAC) to schedule a discussion of the request for a future meeting.

In a Hotline post yesterday, the City Manager confirmed that the City is only enforcing over-occupancy in situations where life and safety concerns are present. I believe that update makes the request to suspend enforcement essentially moot, and therefore the amount of time CAC needs to schedule for our discussion item on this seems like it could be fairly minimal.

I would also like to take a moment to clarify the process that will be undertaken if this Council decides to add occupancy limits as a work plan item. Council maps out our 2-year work plan cycle at the January retreat following a new Council’s election. This Council’s retreat is tentatively slated for January 21-22, 2022, during which time we will consider possible priorities for what our community will work on during 2022-2023. If occupancy reform is chosen as a top priority at the retreat, then this topic will be worked on by the City over the coming years. As with all work plan items, the City would initiate robust and methodical community conversations surrounding comprehensive occupancy regulations review. Notably, occupancy code changes would not be an attempt to thwart the will of the voters in the 2021 election nor a mere repackaging of Bedrooms are for People. Rather, it would be a recognition that many in the community support the concept of occupancy reform, but also want to avoid unintended consequences (such as potential abuses and affordability concerns).

Thank you in advance to CAC for your consideration of my time-allotment suggestion for this discussion item, and I am wishing all who read this a happy and healthy holiday!

Rachel Friend (she)
(720) 601-0163


Office Hours<https://calendly.com/rachelfriend>

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