[BoulderCouncilHotline] Correction on SWS and link to Health Equity Summit

Firnhaber, Kurt FirnhaberK at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed Nov 17 18:32:17 MST 2021

Dear Hotline followers,

I am writing for two purposes. The first relates to a question I inaccurately answered last night at councils discussion of severe weather shelter.  Council member Speer asked if we have follow up information on the success of individuals who have exited homelessness?  I replied that we only had information on those that exited through permanent supportive housing.  After the meeting I discovered that we also now have follow-up information from those exiting through the Diversion program.  I have provided that information below.  The second purpose of the Hotline is that community members have been asking for the recorded link to the Housing Equity Forum that occurred a few days ago.  If you missed it or if you attended and wanted to share it with others, here is the link https://bouldercolorado.gov/housing-equity-symposium<https://gcc02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fbouldercolorado.gov%2Fhousing-equity-symposium&data=04%7C01%7CFirnhaberK%40bouldercolorado.gov%7C965e802d8e24410f232408d9a92a48ab%7C0a7f94bb40af4edcafad2c1af27bc0f3%7C0%7C0%7C637726821328484937%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000&sdata=%2B7%2BK5PLgxiM%2BdaB%2FtjTi61rBkvJCIFLpU2KoUPfAtzQ%3D&reserved=0>

I wanted to clarify and correct a response I made at last night's City Council meeting. I stated that there is not follow up for Diversion services. In fact, when the Diversion program was established in February 2020, it was with the expectation that the Diversion Services Specialist follow up after 30 days of a successful diversion. While there some inherent difficulties in contacting people after they have left the community, 70% of the individuals diverted through reunification between January and June 2021 were confirmed successful after 30 days. Please see the information below, which was included in the HSBC mid-year analysis of the Diversion Services program.

Mid-Year Analysis Diversion Services
City of Boulder Diversion Services
Thirty-four individuals (16% of those referred to Diversion) in the City of Boulder were diverted with 79% (27) through Reunification, 1 (3%) to Other program, and 18% (6) through Resource Navigation. A total of $6,430.27 (av. $189.13/person), with a range of $25.00 to $312.99, was provided to individuals experiencing homelessness for transportation costs. Diversion Services Specialists are required to attempt to contact the individual they diverted at least three times 30 days post service provision. Between January 2021 and June[1] 2021, the Diversion Services Specialist attempted to contact 27 individuals. As reflected in the chart below, 70% (14) of individuals diverted through reunification were confirmed successful post 30 days, 67% (4) of individuals diverted through resource navigation were confirmed successful post 30 days, and there was no success for individuals who were diverted through other program (other program was substance use treatment facility).

[Chart, waterfall chart  Description automatically generated]

Kurt Firnhaber
Director of Housing and Human Services
O: # 303-441-4424
C: # 303-917-0914
FirnhaberK at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:FirnhaberK at bouldercolorado.gov>
Department of Housing & Human Services
1300 Canyon Blvd  Boulder, CO 80302


[1] 30-day follow-up for July Diversions will not be reached until August 2021.
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