[BoulderCouncilHotline] DRAFT CU Annexation Agreement Comments
Young, Mary
YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Jul 26 20:58:05 MDT 2021
Dear Staff, University Representatives and Colleagues,
Much gratitude to everyone who has devoted so much time to bring us to this point. It is an important milestone in the long process of providing flood mitigation to homes and residents susceptible to extreme flooding from South Boulder Creek. The DRAFT Annexation Agreement, as it was released on July 12, is a solid jumping off point.
Many of us will no longer be here when much of this agreement is finally executed. It is with that lens that I reviewed this draft. My questions address details that might help tighten up the language and clarify responsibilities and provisions.
That said, provisions for the possibility of an all or partial property transfer for private development remain largely unclear. This issue raised numerous questions. It seems, at least to me, that the agreement could benefit from the additional devotion of effort around this scenario.
Thank you.
1. General question: What consideration was given to creating a separate section wholly devoted to addressing partial and/or whole transfer of the property for private development?
2. Section 7c, states that the city has an option to purchase land for Open Space at $37,500 per acre. How was this amount arrived at?
3. Section 8, in exchange for the conveyance of water rights to the City, the City would provide a credit to the University for the Plant Investment Fee (PIF) and ongoing treated water for irrigation, would the PIF credit and ongoing water allotment continue if
* the whole of the property is transferred for private development? Why or why not?
* a portion of property is transferred for private development? Why or why not?
4. Section 13 provides for an initial zoning of Public, the current land use designation is also Public. The City avoids allowing private development on Public zoning. If the property were transferred for private development, in order to change the zoning, the land use designation would need to change. What would that process look like?
5. Section 15 enumerates Permitted Uses, Prohibited Uses and Exceptions. How would this change if property is transferred for private development?
6. Section 15b prohibits a large sports venue, presumably allowing for a small sports venue, under what circumstances would a private developer build a sports venue of any size?
7. Section 15c states that Buildings will vary in height and articulation. Would swapping out the word “will” with “shall” make a material difference?
8. Section 15h states that the University will plant trees and shrubs for screening purposes. Does the city have a desired plant list and, if so, would it make sense for the University to work from aforementioned list?
9. Section 15i.iii states that “Residential units larger than 4,000 square feet will only receive credit of 4,000 square feet to disincentive large dwelling units.”
* Stylistically, would it be clearer to say “as a disincentive to building large dwelling units” in place of “to disincentive large dwelling units”?
* Wouldn’t 4,000 square feet of residential create a credit of 2,000 square feet of commercial with a 2:1 ratio? It seems that, as written, this is an incentive to build large units. Please clarify.
10. Section 16a refers to completion of 60 percent design. How is 60 percent design defined?
11. Section 16e states that the city will remove the tennis courts and warehouse as part of flood mitigation. Does removal of the warehouse include removal of its contents? If so, would it make sense to also state that the city is not responsible for disposal of anything of importance within the warehouse?
12. Section 16h discusses shared construction costs for recreation facilities, but makes no mention of operation and maintenance. Who would be responsible for ongoing costs? What if property is transferred for private development, what then?
13. What is the intent and meaning behind paragraph 17a.ii? Please clarify.
14. Section 17a.iii says that the project would be made available for educational opportunities for the Parties?
* Is the intent to provide access to the project as a teaching tool for, as an example, University students and City interns? Please clarify.
* If the intent is to provide more than just simple access, how would any expenses related to this use be handled?
15. Section 17b states that the City may remove the existing levee at its own expense. Would this also be true if the University could benefit from the removal (e.g. use the fill dirt)?
16. Section 22b.i requires one count (of trips) prior to commencing development of residential or mixed-use development, presumably to set a baseline. Why not before any development?
17. Section 22e.iii refers to special event days, what is definition of special events? Would a flood or pandemic be considered a special event?
18. Section 24e.i refers to budgeting for transportation programs.
* A $5.00 amount is stated. What is the basis for this amount? Would it make sense to add an inflation clause?
* Does budgeting and funding reinvestment account for outreach and marketing of programs? If so, should there be a minimum amount set aside for these purposes?
19. Section 25b references off-street parking for affordable units. Would this section apply to any affordable housing in or out of the 5 acres that would be set aside for affordable housing?
20. Section 25f refers to separation of pedestrian movements from vehicular movements. Would such separation also apply between bicycles and vehicles?
21. Section 26c.v.4 states that the University will charge for all parking. What provisions address the potential disproportionate impact of this expense on lower income workers?
22. Section 30b refers to a 50/50 cost sharing arrangement for a Multi-Use Path underpass under Table Mesa. Would this arrangement hold should the property be transferred for private development? If so, is this enough detail to enforce the arrangement with a private developer?
23. Section 37 states that, in the event of disconnection, the City would continue to honor Out of City water permits issued on the property. Section 36a lists Parks and Recreation uses, temporary access roads, parking, and renewable/alternative energy systems as the only uses for which construction would be allowed prior to obtaining agency approvals as outlined in section 36b. Please clarify, with examples, which of the allowed uses in 36a would the City issue Out of City water permits for?
24. How would amendments to this particular agreement be handled under University ownership? Under private ownership?
We're all in this together.
In solidarity,
Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council
"All ethics ... rest upon a single premise: that the individual is a member of a community of interdependent parts..." - Aldo Leopold
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