[BoulderCouncilHotline] Secretary of State Rules for Email and Mail Signatures on Petitions

Carr, Thomas CarrT at bouldercolorado.gov
Mon Jun 1 11:47:25 MDT 2020

On Saturday, the Secretary of State announced rules for mail and email signatures on petitions.  The rules can be found at: https://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/rule_making/files/2020/20200530ElectionsNoticeTempAdopSBSJ.pdf

The following is a brief summary:

  *   Proponents must submit and have approved by the Secretary of State a form for mail or email signatures.
  *   Proponents may circulate both in person and remotely.
  *   Email or mail signatures must be "wet."
  *   Email or mail signatures must be witnessed by a registered voter who is not the collector.
  *   The witness may either do so in person or remotely through an audio visual system that allows the witness to see the person signing.
  *   If the witness acts remotely, the signer must send by mail or electronic means the signed petition to the witness who must then affix a wet signature and return it to the signer.
  *   The witness must sign an affidavit stating that the signature is of the person identified, that the person signing is a registered voter and the witness saw the signer sign.
  *   The proponent must designate a collector and a transcriber.
  *   The collector is responsible for sending and receiving remotely signed petitions.
  *   The collector must sign an affidavit.
  *   The collector affidavit must be sent to a notary to notarize.
  *   The transcriber is responsible for transcribing the information on the remote petitions onto petition forms.
  *   The transcriber must bundle the transcribed petitions with the original signature pages for submission to the Secretary of State.
  *   The transcriber must sign a transcriber affidavit for each section.
  *   The proponent must indicate which sections were circulated in person and which were circulated by mail or email.
  *   Petitions and any cure must be submitted no later than August 3, 2020.
  *   Any section that does not comply with the rules can be rejected.
  *   Faulty affidavits can be cured.
  *   The Secretary of State will compare signatures to those in the voter database.

Tom Carr
Boulder City Attorney
(303) 441-3020
(pronouns: He/Him/His) What's This?<https://www.mypronouns.org/what-and-why>

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