[BoulderCouncilHotline] HOTLINE Correction

Wallach, Mark WallachM at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Dec 1 12:11:53 MST 2020

On November 24, I issued a HOTLINE post in which I took strenuous issue with a number of resolutions promulgated by Boulder’s Human Relations Commission which were critical of the City’s policies towards our unhoused population. One of my comments was based on the statement that “the City of Boulder does not allow unhoused individuals to self-shelter…” which I took as a criticism of our ban on camping on Open Space, as a considerable amount of self-sheltering clearly does occur on Open Space land. However, camping is not a permitted use of Open Space land as set forth in the Charter, and I therefor believe it is beyond the power of the Council to change that policy even if requested to do so. And, as HRC clearly did not make  that request in its resolutions, I cheerfully withdraw my comments to that effect, and apologize for suggesting otherwise. There are a number of areas in which I have substantial disagreement with the resolutions promulgated by HRC; there was no need to enter into a dispute over a policy change they did not advocate. The error, and the responsibility, are entirely mine.

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