[BoulderCouncilHotline] COVID-19 Loss of Income Affidavit

Firnhaber, Kurt FirnhaberK at bouldercolorado.gov
Wed Apr 8 12:16:57 MDT 2020

Dear Council Member Young,

At last night's hearing, you requested more information on the loss of income form provided to manufactured home community owners. Attached please find that form. It is based on one developed by Boulder Housing Partners to document loss of income due to COVID-19 and was translated by city staff. A form such as this is the initial step in a conversation that can lead to late fee waivers and development of a payment plan. We have made this available to the community through outreach activities over the last few days.



Kurt Firnhaber
Director of Housing and Human Services
O: # 303-441-4424
C: # 303-917-0914
FirnhaberK at bouldercolorado.gov<mailto:FirnhaberK at bouldercolorado.gov>

Department of Housing & Human Services
1300 Canyon Blvd  Boulder, CO 80302


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