[BoulderCouncilHotline] Fwd: CVB funds
Morzel, Lisa
MorzelL at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Oct 15 17:42:50 MDT 2019
In reading the response from Kady Doelling (thank you, Kady) in addition to the material provided in an information packet regarding CVB posted earlier this year, I am making the following comments and request for CVB funding to be used for the north-facing front door of the muni building.
In the 2010 ballot initiative that increased the amount of tax by 2% that could be retained for public accommodations is equal to 20 percent of the total rate, which is the current amount transferred annually to the CVB. I propose that CVB funds be used to reinstall the north-facing door of the Municipal Building. This could be accomplished in allotments over 2-3 years.
The final amount established by City Council is stated in Ordinance 7771. It states, “although the city council recognizes that it cannot bind future city councils, it nonetheless declares its intention that up to 20 percent of the revenues generated by this tax be appropriate by future city councils for purposes of promoting programs and services that bring increased tourism to the city.” The key words in quotes are up to 20% and, as I understand it from the ordinance and the city manager, these funds are to be decided by the city council.
As we are well aware, structures such as the Dushanbe Teahouse attract many visitors, both residential and those visiting the City as tourists or regional visitors. The Dushanbe Teahouse is directly east by one block separated by our beautiful Central Park of the $2MM investment in our stunning Sister Cities’ Plaza. To the west of the Plaza is the Peace Garden along the Boulder Creek path and connected by our our newly renovated $8++MM municipal park between the Municipal Building and our Main Library building. Many tourists and visitors eat at the Teahouse and walk along our Boulder Creek path while visiting the city of Boulder.
Our 10 sister cities (Jalapa, Dushanbe, Lhasa, Mante, Kisumu, Yateras, Yamagata, Nablus, Ramat Ha Negev, and Kathmandu) each have given the residents of Boulder many beautiful gifts over the years. These, unfortunately, have not been showcased or shared much with our residents given the City has not had much of a display area. Now, however, the atrium of the Municipal Building will be/is in the process of creating such an exhibit area that many local and non-local residents can view and enjoy.
Many tourists and visitors eat at the Teahouse and walk along our Boulder Creek path while visiting the city of Boulder. Many more would visit the Boulder Sister Cities Plaza if it were more apparent from Broadway and Canyon and if they felt safer visiting the Plaza. Once the exhibit hall in the Muni Building is completed, visitors will certainly visit and see the many beautiful gifts they have been bestowed to the residents of Boulder.
In 2018 and in 2019, council approved moving forward for creating the atrium exhibit space and for considering reopening the north-facing door on the Muni Building. Staff recently determined that the cost of the door, which includes design, permits, etc., is estimated to be about $700k. While an expensive estimate, these funds could come from CVB funds and would be used to activate the Sister Cities Plaza and make it a far safer place for everyone to enjoy.
In any case whether money from CVB is used for the north facing front door of the municipal building or not, Council should have a serious reconsideration of the CVB revenues and re-allocate some of that back to the general fund for things like our libraries and other services. Our public library has received many acclaims and one of them is it is in the top 10 or eight places to visit in Boulder as a tourist. CVB has gone from about $700k in 2010 to now over $2MM in revenue.
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