[BoulderCouncilHotline] Questions on Prairie Dogs

Burke, Dan BurkeD at bouldercolorado.gov
Sat Apr 20 08:49:21 MDT 2019

Dear Council,

I would like to acknowledge that over the past couple of days OSMP staff have received many great questions from several council members regarding prairie dogs and prairie dog management. Staff intends to respond in a meaningful and comprehensive way but due to the sheer number of questions posed, the complexity of some, and the need to draw in support of staff from multiple departments to address others, timing of our responses to individual questions will differ depending on the nature of the question posed.  Here is the timing in which we intend to issue responses:

1.	Of the 50-60 questions that have been asked, there are quite a few that we can provide answers to relatively quickly, within a few days, and we will post responses to those on Hotline soon.

2.	There are some questions that involve collaboration with other city department staff or that may simply need more time to address and for these our commitment is to provide council with responses at least a week prior to when council will be holding its meeting to discuss prairie dog management.

3.	A few of the questions necessitate a bit more analysis and for those our commitment is to provide council with responses at or shortly before the council meeting in which prairie dog management will be discussed.

4.	Finally, there are several questions that staff is unable to respond to until a more thorough analysis is undertaken and completed.  For these questions, our intent is to inform council when this analysis is likely to take place and be completed and when you can expect to have answers.

I hope that the above schedule and sequencing makes sense and I appreciate your understanding and patience as we work our way through these questions in a diligent and feasibly manner.  I also truly appreciate your interest and inquisitiveness on the very important matters of prairie dogs and prairie dog management.  If you have any questions about the above, please let me know.



Dan Burke
Interim Director
Open Space and Mountain Parks
burked at bouldercolorado.gov
2520 55th Street| Boulder, CO 80301

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