[BoulderCouncilHotline] Prairie Dog Open Space Tour - More Questions

Young, Mary YoungM at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Apr 18 11:42:50 MDT 2019

Dear Open Space Staff,

Thank you very much for an outstanding tour of Open Space properties to inform on the state of prairie dogs. Your time in pulling together the tour as well as all of the various presentations is very much appreciated. While the tour was three hours long, there was, nevertheless little time for questions and discussion. Below are some more questions that came up for me.

  1.  The topic reintroduction of black footed ferrets (BFF) came up at the first stop. It was presented that only the Southern Grasslands would be eligible and that, of the total acreage at the Southern Grasslands only 1,233 acres may be suitable for prairie dog habitat. The desired prairie dog habitation is 15-26% of that. It was also mentioned that one of the criteria for ferret reintroduction is a requirement for a minimum of 1,500 acres.
     *   In order to reintroduce the ferret, what other jurisdictions would the city need to partner with?
     *   Have BFFs already been reintroduced nearby?
     *   If not, are there imminent plans to do so?
     *   Is there a requirement that the acreage for BFF reintroduction be untilled?
  2.  At what rate would relocation of prairie dogs need to occur in order to stabilize the population in the Northern Grasslands?
  3.  Subsequent to stabilization, what measures would need to be taken to maintain stability?
  4.  At stop #2, we looked out at a relocation site where temporary tubing was laid down as temporary shelter for prairie dogs. This relocation occurred at that particular site because the soil had, in the past, seen disturbance. I understood that the same sorts of temporary shelters would be used in the Southern Grasslands. What measures would be taken, after soil disturbance, to minimize the incursion of invasive non-native plant species onto the Southern Grasslands?
  5.  At stop #4, staff pointed out acreage experiencing similar impacts that were not accounted for in Open Space presentations because that acreage is under the ownership of Parks and Recreation (adjacency to Boulder Reservoir). Has that acreage been analyzed in terms of prairie dog (% occupation, top soil condition, etc)?
     *   If so, adding the P&R acreage, what is the total number of acres impacted in the north?
     *   What is the condition of that acreage?
     *   Does Parks and Recreation have policies for prairie dogs on its land?
  6.  Would it be possible to
     *   Restore irrigated lands to a state similar to that in the Southern Grasslands and how long would that take?
     *   Assemble enough acreage in the Northern Grasslands to meet the acreage criterion for BFF reintroduction?
     *   Reintroduce BFF’s in the Northern Grasslands?
  7.  What additional criteria would need to be met for BFF reintroduction in the Northern Grasslands?
  8.  It was mentioned at stop #3, that the National Black Footed Ferret Conservation Center in Carr, CO cannot meet its demand for prairie dogs as a food source for its captive and breeding ferrets. The county is currently contributing prairie dogs to the center. The process, it was said, requires a period of prairie dog quarantine (to ensure absence of sylvatic plague) prior to the center accepting them.
     *   What is the quarantine period?
     *   What is the cost/prairie dog for this process?
     *   If council were to direct this approach, would partnering with the county be an option?
  9.  What are potential downsides/unintended effects of BFF reintroduction?
  10. It is alleged that prairie dogs coming off of Open Space land may be causing damage to an earthen dam belonging to Left Hand Water District. There are other allegations of damage to private property.
     *   Could the city be liable for damage to property belonging to other governmental entities?
     *   Could the city be liable for damage to private property?
  11. At stop #4, it was stated that the city’s very copiouous and senior water rights are primarily used to irrigate leased acreage in the Northern Grasslands. It was also stated that the “use it or lose it” policy of Colorado water law could affect the city’s water rights if the water is not used for irrigation. How long does it take for the “lose it” portion of the policy to kick in?

Thank you again for the opportunity to learn more.

Mary Dolores Young
Boulder City Council

"All ethics . . . rest upon a single premise: that the individual is a member of a community of interdependent parts . . ." - Aldo Leopold

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