[BoulderCouncilHotline] Fwd: Dinkytown Business Plan 2014

Morzel, Lisa MorzelL at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Sep 4 16:50:26 MDT 2018


As many of you know, I’ve been spending a lot of the past three years working at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and walking through their “Hill” called Dinkytown.   I’ve attached the following on a business plan for Dinkytown, which while not perfect appears more successful than the Hill. And has various venues for adults as well as students.

Subject: Dinkytown Business Plan 2014

Economic Development

The economic development focus of this plan was both on strengthening the existing business mix, and supporting long-term viability of the district. One of the major findings was the identification of several distinct markets visiting Dinkytown, and how their needs could be served.

Executive Summary

 Expand the commercial footprint of Dinkytown, thereby increasing the potential supply of retail space available.
  Require ground floor retail or other active uses in the commercial core.
 Support the existing mix of small businesses in Dinkytown through various regulatory, financial, and technical assistance tools.
 Support a broad diversity of businesses in Dinkytown that serve the needs of the area by placing controls on granting new and/or expanded liquor licenses.
 Pursue enhanced maintenance of public realm, including litter removal, façade maintenance and renovation, upgrades to aging infrastructure, and other elements.
 Promote safety and security of the district through regular foot patrols, including late nights and events.
 Support marketing and branding strategies that build on Dinkytown’s uniqueness.
 Contribute to a mutually beneficial relationship between the University and Dinkytown.

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