[BoulderCouncilHotline] Fwd: November 28th special meeting to discuss the proposed oil/gas development

Morzel, Lisa MorzelL at bouldercolorado.gov
Tue Nov 13 17:25:22 MST 2018

Dear Council and community members,

As you have read in the local papers, Highlands Natural Resources Corporation has applied for an oil and gas spacing permit for lands that include Rocky Flats. This request is a part of a larger request that covers 16 square miles.  The request includes all of Rocky Flats and lands east of Indiana including Great Western Reservoir and Standley Lake (Standly Lake is not off the table).  The spacing request is the first step in a long process. Additionally the applicants do not own the minerals. COGCC will include this request item at their December meeting.

In response to this application, members of the Rocky Flat Stewardship Council have requested a special meeting to better understand the parameters of this request, the process, what could happen, etc.  That special meeting will be held Wednesday, November 28 from 1-3 pm, West View Recreation Center, 10747 W 108th ave.

Please see attached memo from our executive director, David Abelson, for some of the questions and information that have been requested and will be discussed at this study session.

Please let me know if you have questions. I will try to keep you updated on this request.




Hello Stewardship Council –

I have heard from all of the governments but one, and all of the non-governmental members.  There is strong support for the meeting.

Meeting date and time: Thursday November 28th , 1-3 PM, West View Recreation Center, 10747 W 108th Ave. (near 108th and Simms)

Issues to discuss: I have spoken with or emailed with a number of you, and you have raised a number of similar questions about the proposal.  The attached memo summarizes those questions, framing them within the context of the site regulatory cleanup documents.  I know there are other questions that are not on this list; we’ll add those at the meeting.  As noted in the memo, the questions are directed at DOE, CDPHE, EPA and USFWS.  I assume some of you would also raise them in the COGCC’s permitting process and in conversations with federal and state elected officials.

 A meeting notice and meeting packet will beprepared and sent as we get closer to the meeting.

Please let me know what questions or concerns you have.  Thanks.


David M. Abelson
Executive Director
Rocky Flats Stewardship Council
P.O. Box 17670
Boulder, CO 80308
(303) 412-1200
(303) 600-7773 - fax
dabelson at rockyflatssc.org<mailto:dabelson at rockyflatssc.org>

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