[BoulderCouncilHotline] Revised Version of the Proposed Towing Ordinance

Carr, Thomas CarrT at bouldercolorado.gov
Fri Nov 9 14:51:05 MST 2018

I am attaching a revised version of ordinance 8295, based on the direction that I received from council last night.  I will recommend that council substitute this version for the version passed at first reading at an upcoming city council meeting.  At the Council Agenda Committee meeting on Tuesday morning, I will request that the committee schedule the continued second reading and a third reading for final passage.

The revised version includes the following changes:

  1.  Remove the one hour rule.
  2.  Phase in a requirement for signs in English and Spanish with a symbol.
  3.  Allow for release of tools of the trade.
  4.  Eliminate the trust requirement for proceeds of sale.
  5.  Eliminate the 10 mile towing limit.
  6.  Add a provision for reimbursement of mileage for any tow longer than 12 miles.

Thanks to everyone for your work on this.  Please feel free to contact me with any concerns.

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