[BoulderCouncilHotline] Fwd: annexation amendments

Morzel, Lisa MorzelL at bouldercolorado.gov
Thu Feb 1 15:53:58 MST 2018


The below comments and questions ones I hope we can discuss next Tuesday when we consider the annexation amendments for properties along violet and upland.

Comments and questions regarding amendments to annexations re: 2180 Violet, 2100 Violet, 2145 Upland, 1917 Upland

Violet – Upland annexation amendments

a.     Four large parcels are involved
a) can we separate the 2180 Violet parcel (Habitat parcel with increased density of 19 units) from the other three parcels (2000 Violet with current development potential of 6 lots; lot sizes from 7689-8670 sq ft with outlot of 5323 sq ft), 2145 Upland with development potential of 3 lots; lot sizes from 8306 to 16,546 sq ft), and 1917 Upland (58,678 sq ft)?

Since the 2180 Violet Habitat site is owned by Habitat, can we move this parcel go forward now and have a larger discussion of what might be developed on the other three lots?

b.     For these other 3 lots, I’d like to consider the following possibilities:

      i.     Could the city host a small charrette for the land bounded by 19th St on the east, 22nd Street on the west, north of Upland, south of Violet to allow dialogue and a creative vision for smaller and more affordably sized houses?  It seems the future development potential of this area is great and is a good candidate for a neighborhood pilot project.  It is clear what this area will look like if no changes are made now at this critical juncture.

       ii.     Are basements allowed in this zone/area?  Can basements be limited?

                  iii.     I would like to amend the annexation agreement in the second reading to state something like the following:

On 2100 Violet (Block 2, Lots 1-6) and 2145 Upland (Block 3, lots 1 and 2), no structure built will be larger than a maximum of 3200 sq ft.  With these conditions, the developer can build the following:

1.     one 3200 sq ft structure that contains one unit no larger than 2400 sq ft plus an 800 sq ft ADU

2.     a single-family house no larger than 2400 sq ft and an 800 sq ft OAU

On 2145 Upland, (Block 3, Lot 3, 16, 546 sq ft), no structure built will be larger than a maximum of 3200 sq ft.  As I read in the memo, the existing house and other structure are to remain but if this changes, I’d include these conditions for the developer:

1.     one 3200 sq ft structure that contains one unit no larger than 2400 sq ft plus a 800 sq ft ADU and a 800 sq ft OAU

  iv.     For 1917 Upland, the lot here is 58,678 sq ft and is planned for 3 single-family homes. Could we allow a denser housing here to accommodate smaller homes similar to the Poplar Project just west of Broadway (I think the Poplar lot is 1.4 acres and has 14 homes on it with maximum house size of 2000 sq ft, which is only 2 homes; all the rest are less than 2000 sq ft)? This property faces 19th and Upland and is across the street from 1 house and Fire Station #4

2.  My thought is there is ample opportunity on this block of land (19th to 22nd, Violet to Upland) to create a neighborhood pilot project where a vision could be created that would allow for smaller and more homes where many could be affordable to middle income housing.  As I understand, the intent of the current owner (Mr. Nauman) of 2100 Violet, 2145 Upland, and 1917 Violet is to sell these lots.  Perhaps an affordable housing provider might be interested in buying and redeveloping at somewhat higher densities a housing product that the city needs.

3.  I’d also like to get a better understanding of the construction of Vine St. and how that is suppose to happen to ensure the city is not allowing flag lots (which is generally against the guidelines in the North Boulder Subcommunity Plan.


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